Good Marriage Still Exist


Good marriages are not hard to find, it’s just that we are in a generation that does not value it. There are still people that get Marion State for years with good home. And everything is fine.

They have every children from the very first day of their life to the very hand and the children are very proud and they are ready to set out in the world and make a very good homes through is not every homes that is filled with the divorce, abusive father, an wrong mothers or. Single modern Marina, single father and stuff like that.

We have homes that are actually founded on the low Jesus Christ and they are doing well even to date. I know it might be hard to. Understand because the social media is making us to believe that marriage is not worth it and you can damn the whole thing and. Destroy doesn’t make any sense marriages like his chain or a bondages on people. They believe that immediately they enter the marriage it has become a cage for them. No, to some people it is the most uplifting thing to ever happen to them in life. Some people marriage is the next level of Greece, next level of favour that they will ever achieve in their life. The highest level of help some people could ever have imagined or have in their entire life came through marriage.

So because you have a bad day or you have a bad marriage or bad parents and everything crashed. That does not translate to. A bad one. That does not mean that you cannot have a good home. That doesn’t mean that you can’t set the record straight for the next generation and say, OK, these ones are not good. This is the right one, and I’m going to create a path for the right one. You can make that choice instead of just joining everybody on social media and Instagram and Facebook and telling everyone marriage is not worth it if you keep saying that.


With time, what you’re saying to the atmosphere, what you are saying to the whole world, will come back to you.
