Transformational Leadership: Beyond Position to Influence and Development


According to the idea of transformational leadership: An effective leader is a person who does the highlight points: Creates an inspiring vision of the future, Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision, and Manages the delivery of the vision.

A leader creates a dynamic platform for every other follower having tendencies to become a leader.

A leader sacrifices more by trying his best to get his followers along, by so doing they will develop more and contribute immensely to the organisation they all belong to.

##Does a position alone make a leader great?

The answer to this is capital No, the position a leader holds alone won't make people follow him, he must do something that will encourage his followers to see the reason why they need to follow him or her. Not just the title attached to the position. Position alone is a poor substitute for influence. People who make it using the power vested in position are bosses; but are they leaders to look at? This is why I would like to clarify and shed more light on the concept of leaders and bosses.

In my opinion, bosses have subordinates and not a team, while they only take orders from the boss whether palatable or not, even if they are grumbling and lodge complaints, the boss's decision is the final, nothing more nothing less. In most cases where there is a troublesome subordinate, he or she will just earn himself or herself being removed from the organization.

So, it will be as good as saying, that a positional leader can have control over those they employ and not voluntary followers; as they want more from the so-called leader, not just being ordered around like slave, but actions that will propel even development as far as the organization or group is concerned.


Bosses may have difficulty acquiring more intelligent people since they wouldn't get to like a way leader(just order). Bosses may not necessarily pass through fierce and impetuous heat or circumstance emerging as it could be based solely on influence, godfathers in some countries, and having money sent on errands.

On the other hand, the leader takes his followers along as they develop with him, they engage in all-round development as the leader makes sure through tireless activities engaging them. Leader has to be more concerned about the development of their followers in all ramifications; like support and seeing to their followers' needs often. By so doing, he doesn't need to run around to preserve his position since it will always be intact having earned the follower's trust, be it at any level; home, organisation or even the voluntary followers.

When a leader is discharging his duties, and carrying followers along then the environment will surely be positive at all times. No need for him or her to panic, although there is more attached to being a leader as one must be ready to change and effect it on oneself and those one is leading. Also be sure that the result is certain in effecting the change not just a pleasant or conducive working environment alone but for the leader, ensuring even development and desirable results that will improve the followers and give them the reason why they need to stay in line.

It is also important to know that there have been a lot of write-ups about the concept of leaders or leadership but I believe no knowledge is lost what would man gain if he refuses to invest in his mind especially his area of specialization?

Thomas Edison once said, "When I want to discover something I begin by reading up everything that has been done along that line in the past."

According to John Maxwell, "The challenge of a leader is to create change and facilitate growth." His values must align with those of his followers if development is to take place just like having the same goals or similar objectives.

A leader must be conversant of results even when obstacles create a barrier; overcoming it must be his objective when emanated, if positive results must be recorded through sacrifice, sweat and must maintain momentum.

After success, he must remain focused and be productive. Success and productivity will keep the followers in line and we make them believe that the leader is well equipped with skills needed to effect change. Even if there is a flaw, the earlier results would serve as an encouragement and propel them forward as they believe, challenges could not be avoided but only there to strengthen them.

The bitter truth is that a leader becomes great not only by investing more in himself but also by the ability to empower others. Leaders produce potential leaders, not just followers at all times. A leader could also be like a boss who taught his workers how to fish and he later free and practice on his own accord putting everything he had learned from his boss together with his instinct. image

Leader don't always believe in their understanding alone but the ability for them to take others along [just like teamwork] would be willing to invest their time, energy and resources in developing their followers.

Being a Leader transcends just holding a position, his legacy and reputation make way and influence others to follow his path. People follow who they believe can add value to their life. That is those who are more successful and could influence them to reach the top. They followed not only because a leader treat well but also adding value thus increasing productivity and higher profitability.
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Below are some of the qualities and skills any good leader should possess, highlighted by John Maxwell.
Integrity, influence, servanthood, problem-solving, vision, teamwork, passion, confidence, creativity, attitude, self-discipline and communication.

Integrity: doing what is right without being forced or told, and being honest in discharging his duties.

Attitude: he must possess a positive and tenacious attitude that will bring even development. Not be pessimistic but rather an optimistic leader who always expects positive outcomes at the end.

Communication: creating an avenue where everybody would have a say. He must be bold enough to address his followers or others who could be of help in shaping the organization in a better way.

Teamwork: A leader must be ready to carry his followers along not just make decisions that could maim the group without consulting others. And must be ready to work with all, not being biased or favouritism or nepotism.

Vision: A leader must be able to envisage what could happen in a couple of years and not only immediate action.

Confidence: A leader must believe in himself, and take drastic decisions knowing fully well what could be the outcome of his action.

Self-discipline: A leader must be able to lead himself or herself before successfully leading others. And must be ready to take responsibility for all his actions whether palatable or unpalatable.

Servanthood: A leader must be ready to lead by example, not just order people around. Serving his followers without any sense of guilt.

Problem-solving: must be talented and always find lasting solutions to any problem or mistakes that may emanate, whether from him or others.
