Shaping Wisdom Through Experience: A Reflection on Life and Society

Life is bound to teach us many things. Many of us learn through the experiences of others, which I can say is better than learning from our own experiences. I say this because learning from your own mistakes often comes with pain and regret. It might involve something that could have been avoided, something that doesn’t go well with you, and you are left to learn from it. However, learning from the experiences of others does not hurt us the way our own experiences do.

I felt a bit down thinking about what is happening around me, in society, and particularly in my own life. I couldn't stop asking myself if life is worth living at all, considering its ups and downs. Though many argue that our experiences shape and mould us, and that without stress in the early stages of life, one might not succeed or gain wisdom. I think this assertion applies particularly to those from very humble backgrounds—those who have to do practically everything on their own, without much support from friends or relatives, if any at all.

Take Africa, for instance. Many who hold positions of power or privilege often disregard those who have nothing at all. Well, I wouldn’t entirely blame them, as nature has given us one common gift: time. However, it withholds a particular jewel, which I can call rest. It is left to us to utilize our time judiciously.

Is there truly anyone in this world who lacks support entirely? Even though we may not have the same opportunities, I believe everyone has, at some point, been privileged or had a chance to choose wisely—or otherwise.

Nature, I must say, has not been fair to us. Perhaps fairness would mean that no one has control over another. Would life then be livable for us all? Does it matter if everyone were to be rich, with no one serving another? If that were the case, who would end up doing the menial jobs? I have concluded that God, the supreme being, holds the answers to everything. No one can question His authority. Sometimes, though, I wonder if He is necessarily involved in our daily activities. Or how else can we explain everything that happens to us on a daily basis? There are countless crimes being perpetrated every day. A lot of evil is committed on a daily basis. It is even worse these days, where society values and worships wealth instead of character.

We are in a generation that doesn’t emphasize hard work but focuses solely on achievements. The worst part is that the internet has made all this easier, as most crimes committed today are carried out through the medium of the internet. However, this is not to say that the internet is bad in and of itself, but the way humans abuse it these days is alarming and calls for checks and balances.
