Confirmation of Appointment: a joy overwhelmed

Getting a job these days seems like a herculean task that is difficult to surmount. Many might argue that job availability might not be the problem particularly that job that requires less professionalism. Menial jobs like cleaning, working in a restaurant, and others that are less thrive might not be too difficult to come about, but getting a government job in the part of the world may not be that easy if you don’t have a godfather or people at the top that can fast track your employment without having to go through difficulties.

I remember when I still used to work in a private secondary school. Getting a job interview isn't difficult once you perfected your resume. It is just that the pay doesn't commiserate with the effort and task given. You would do a task meant for three to four people at a time without long-term benefits. In most of these private institutions once you stop working just yourself out of the system as there is no retirement plan whatsoever. What you can even get at most is a systematic delay in payment so that we won't have the option to remain on the job to secure your salary or wages.

Back to the topic at hand, I got a permanent appointment with Lagos State in late 2021 on merit. I used the word on merit because I didn't know nor meet anyone at the point of entry. No godfather or uncle or aunty influence. I should say preparations only meet opportunity as I have been working my butt off in the private section for a couple of years without quitting. Before the time I got the employment, I was fully engaged with an institution.

How did it even happen, I remember, I applied for a couple of jobs in three different states at the same time. However, the state for the recruitment exercise differs. I was frustrated to have lost the first two jobs at the state that I believe I have influenced and knew one or two people. So when I couldn't get the appointment I got tired and lost hope. As God would have it, where I less expected a door was opened to my amazement I received a call from an unknown number stating that I had an interview the next Monday.

At first, I had doubts as I felt this could be a sort of scam. Later on, I consulted a few friends who assured me that it was genuine so I gave it a trial. I got to the venue later than usual as we all know how Lagos traffic can be as it is not predictable. Even though I got there late, I was attended to accordingly when I pleaded my case. It was on that very day that our fate was decided. Eventually, I got employment and I was very happy.

Today, I received a call that my confirmation letter is ready after two to three years of probation. I have to travel down to Falomo to get the confirmation. At the end, I'm full of joy.
