Let's Pump It Up
ChatGPT is awful at generating faces, it appears
No, surprisingly, this post isn't about crypto
(...Although I think Hive is on track to higher highs (70 cents+) very soon.)
Rather, this post is about:
E x e r c i s i n g,
getting into shape or, perhaps, just feeling comfortable about/in your body. Personally, I have been a bit lazy about doing "something". And that's kinda where the dilemma starts. What to do to get back into shape?
I have practiced martial arts for a decade or so, but with no dojo around it's a bit hard. Jogging is an option, but there are no good routes where I live. Sure, there are roads, but it's not the place that gets your heart racing (that is when thinking about going jogging, the heart definitely starts beating faster while jogging...). I also used to live in a place where many people were doing sports outside which is highly motivating. Without all of that I have come to the conclusion that it's time to enter a:
G y m
I have long avoided one for obvious reasons. The obvious reasons? Self perceived alpha males and females that train for attention and build a certain atmosphere around their place comes to mind. Also, nowadays ladies (and men) wear shorts and pants that are quite revealing... Not that I am against that; it's just that they are very, very distracting (anyone saying this is not the case is lying). To turn that into a positive (if one isn't single), I guess it strengthens
d i s c i p l i n e.
Working out is half physical and half mental. Without willing yourself to do something, your body wouldn't be doing it. There is a certain satisfaction that comes with sharpening your focus and mental discipline. It's the kind of reward that isn't instantaneous, but "pays off" in the long term. And then of course the body slowly changes its shape. Depending on the layers of fat you might have accumulated over the years, it's going to be a gruesomely long journey to see any real progress. At least superficially. Building up muscles is quite straight forward and happens the moment you start to lift weights.
M u s c l e s
actually get damaged while exercising them. You literally tear them and the process of self repair is what builds and grows the muscle. This is why one should never do more exercises when having muscle ache. The muscles then damage themselves quicker than they can repair themselves and one actually becomes weaker and real damage can occur. So having the right plan is already part of the first step when getting into shape. Any good gym will have
g u i d e l i n e s
for you to follow and enhance the efficiency of your work out. But I generally don't like to stick too strictly to a plan. Although I see the advantages of it, exercising more freely is more fun in my opinion. And fun is really what keeps you going. Much more so than discipline, at least in my experience. Feeling good about exercising and getting into shape is the real driver and what ultimately leads to success. So finding the right thing to do is crucial.
Meet you at the gym, I guess?

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I love a good workout, but not with those gym machine thingies. I do some weight training but mostly it's functional movement like pull ups, pushups, squats and rope climbing. Exercise has to be challenging and fun. Otherwise it ends up being just another chore.
It took me quite some time to start doing exercises again. I used to exercise and go to the gym regularly in the old days.
Things changes and life had become rather difficult for a long while. Now I have started to use my dumbbells more regularly as a start. I have yet to start walking briskly everyday!
It felt good to become fit again!
great to hear :)