Thrilling adventures - girls' trip to remember
I'm used to waking up to my dog every morning, and today was no different. Ema bounded onto the bed, bringing a burst of energy to start the day. And when the aroma of morning coffee filled the air, everything felt even more amazing. We kicked off the day with a coastal liqueur to freshen up, then headed to the market in Koper where we bought goodies for lunch and dinner.
There's nothing quite like seeing stands brimming with homemade treats and knowing the seafood is fresh off the boat. As a seafood lover, it was like paradise for me. After stocking up on treats and the best cheese ever, we grabbed another coffee and took a short stroll along the coast. It was chilly, but the sight of the sea in the morning was simply priceless.
Back home, we got busy preparing a fantastic lunch. We lit a fire, the ladies prepped everything, and Miša's boyfriend started grilling some burgers.
We were all excited for our fifth member to join us for lunch. Words can't express the joy when we were finally all together again. Poor guys, they couldn't get a word in because we had so much catching up to do! Our laughter must have echoed through the neighborhood, and it was confirmed when a neighbor brought us homemade wine, saying it was for us young gals. We joked that maybe she was surprised by our energy, but hey, alcohol just makes us even more energetic! 😊 After a fantastic homemade lunch, we enjoyed coffee, dessert, and more chats. Sadly, Sara had to leave early because the kids were getting sleepy and their vacation was ending. Even though our time with Sara was short, it meant the world to us to be together, even just for a little while.
Miša had a fantastic plan for us in the afternoon. She and her boyfriend are huge rock climbers, and they live in an area with lots of climbing spots. Yes, Slovenia is small, and living by the sea means the mountains are just a hop away. So, here's the plan: we pack up, head to Črni Kal, and start climbing! But Luana had a condition, she'd climb only if we played board games later. We all agreed and so, let's go. Luana and I hadn't tried this before, and I was super excited.
Last year was tough for me with sports, so I'm not as fit, but I still have strength in my hands. They showed us how to grip the rocks and find the best spots to hold on. When I saw how high they climbed, I was amazed! I wanted to challenge myself, so I geared up and went for it. And let me tell you, it was incredible! The adrenaline rush as you climb higher and higher is like nothing else. I usually feel that only when mountain biking, but now I want to try climbing more. Though I didn't reach the top this time, I'm still proud of how far I got.
It was my turn now :)
As the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, we walked to the top, where are remains of ancient walls, offering us an incredible view. I sat on that wall for over 20 minutes, soaking in the peace and beauty around me. It was a moment of pure bliss, one I hadn't felt in ages.
Back at the apartment, despite our exhaustion, we rallied quickly, energized by each other's company. Laughter and chatter filled the air as we prepared dinner. In the morning, we bought fresh mussels, eager to indulge in these tasty treats. Huge shoutout to our chefs—the food was amazing! Paired with good white wine and liqueur from our neighbor, it was a feast to remember.
We all remembered our promise to Luana: board game night. We secretly hoped she'd forgotten, but one stern look from her had us jumping to action. The game began, and though Luana emerged victorious, the game had us in stitches with laughter.
As the day wound down, a bittersweet feeling settled in knowing we'd be heading home the next day.
Before leaving in the morning we took a quick walk on the nearby hill, and then we stopped in Piran for one last coffee by the sea, reluctant to say goodbye to Miša. The car ride home was silent for a while, the difficulty of parting weighing on us.
These three days were truly special, and I'm grateful for these amazing girls in my life. Our friendship is a treasure, and I know it'll last a lifetime. Already looking forward to our next gathering—this time, our partners are invited too! 😊 I can't wait! Girls, I love you, and moments like these make life so much better.
Don't be dismayed by good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends. - Richard Bach
Pinmapple 😉
[//]:# (!pinmapple 45.54671 lat 13.73266 long d3scr)
With love, @tinabrezpike❤️
I also agree that there's something special about taking a stroll along the coast in the morning. The air is usually crisp and clean, and the views of the sea are simply breathtaking. It's the perfect way to start the day.
Yes, I just don't have the opportunity to do that every day, but that's why I can appreciate those moments more :)
Yes it's nice to appreciate those moments
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What a beautiful landscape, I love the view of the sea, I love the sea.
The climb up to the heights looks a bit tricky but I'm sure the view in the chasm is worth it.
Lovely photos!
Thank u ;) Now that I've climbed for the first time, it's confirmed that I'm not afraid of heights! 😂
Krasni razgledi z vrha ;)
Naša čudovita Slovenija :) Sem pa že res malo pozabila kako izgleda Primorska 😂
Haha 😃 Si si malo osvežila spomin, sumim. Ja, jaz na morje sploh ne hodim. Sem pa bil 2020 na počitnikovanju med Krasom in Gorico. Ampak saj veš, v mojem stilu, vsak dan na več različnih lokacijah...
Ja saj zdaj je to tudi bil hiter obisk vec lokacij 😂 Moram si kmalu vzeti cas da obiscem Sočo pa kaksen pohod po nasih Alpah :) Me prijateljica povabila, da greve na Triglav, ampak mislim, da se nisem pripravljena na taksen ekstrem 😂
Ah,še nisi prava Slovenka? (saj jaz tud nisem, btw...) 😁 Ja, seveda, kristalna Soča in mostovi. Če boš tam, se splača obiskat tudi obalo in poti ob reki Nadiži. Pa mini slapovi na potoku Idrija (če se prav spomnim, so najlepši v okolici kraja Močila)
Ne nisem, žalostno 😂 Saj še imam nekaj let, mogoce mi uspe v bliznji prihodnosti 🤔 Ja ti deli Slovenije so definitivno najlepši, se splaca obiskati ☺️
Samo res, žalostno 😄 Naj bi se človek vprašal, kaj ga/jo sploh ustavlja - ali je to čas, volja, ali to da si stalno rečeš "ah saj bom...enkrat",ali to da hočeš potovati s prijatelji in težje najdeš skupni prosti čas... vse to naštevam, ker sem vse to dal skozi 🙃
Ja tocno to kar si napisal tak je :) težko je najti čas, pa ti 12 urni delovniki me že počasi ubijajo tak da na koncu se sploh nimam volje premaknoti iz stanovanja 🤔
12 urni delovnik maš? In my eyes, U R superhuman! 🤖
Ahaha hvala ampak we will see how long I can do this 😂 Sem se sicer v teh 3 letih že navadila, zdaj si sploh vec ne predstavljam če bi lahko delala od pon do pet po 8 ur 🤔
To velja samo, če delo ne jemlješ kot delo ampak kot vsakodnevno zabavo in prijetne izzive. Če jo daš v škatlo z napisom "samo da čimprej končam, da lahko malo relaksiram, spijem kavo s prijatelji in se pogovorim o vikend izletu", potem bolj velja moj prejšnji komentar 😁 Tako da pač, odvisno... Poznam eno frendico ki je programerka. Dela isto okoli 12 ur dnevno. Mi enkrat razlaga, da je tako globoko psihično v tem delu, da ne čuti več veselja ali žalosti. To mi razlaga teden po tem ko ji umre mama, mimogrede.
Ja saj vsako delo moraš opravljati z veseljem, saj fizično še nekako gre, ampak psihično pa uničuje, čeprav vem, da ljudem poskusiš polepšati zadnja leta,mesece ali pa celo dni in pomagaš koliko lahko, ampak ko ljudje stalno umirajo pred mojimi očmi je precej naporno…definitivno to ni služba, ki jo lahko opravljam še naslednjih 30 let…
Ja, saj. Če si fizično zdelan, rabiš pol ure da si ok. Če si psihično zdelan, si "cota" do drugega dneva. Že to ti vse pove.
Ej, zakaj se je ta spaminator spravil na najin pogovor? Vidim da downvota tvoje komentarje 🤔
Koliko vem je aktiven že 2-3 leta. Ta downvote nima neke moči in ne zniža vrednosti. Imel sem pa še enega na grbi, ki mi je spravil vse komentarje in poste na nulo. Tako da si lahko predstavljaš njegov HivePower 😆 Je bil eden od razlogov da sem nehal pisat bloge tukaj. To je pač decentraliziran sistem, kjer se za operacije in funkcije ne vpraša če so dovoljene za uporabo :) Tu se jih pač uporabi. Večinoma so izredno dobre, je pa par grdih račkov vmes 😄
Hjooj 😂😂 ne bom komentirala 😂
Haha 😁 Ja. Pač... Se zgodi. Al kak naj rečem.
Rajši nič, en napačen komentar pa veš kaj se lahko zgodi 😂 svoboda govora pa to 😂
Brezskrbi, blogat sem se odvadil 😄 Vem pa kaj je bla fora. Pisanje virov. Imel si recimo bančne analize iz večih strani in če si te vire samo izpisal spodaj brez linka, ni zadosti. Ali pa jih kdaj nisi, še hujše. Boti so bili pa kodirani ravno zato da se ne bi kopiralo besedil iz drugih strani...Meni se pa ni dalo razšiščevat kako in zakaj. Raje sem samo presedlal iz pisanja v trejdanje. Problem solved
Imaš prav, je definitivno lažje 😂
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