What is going on with these flu times? Get well soon my son. Can't wait for baby number 2.
Hey guys is me again Tigermom.
Today I feel to write about my kids.
This past view week was a nightmare with a sick child. Here in South Africa, there is a flu going around it called Influenza. And there are also swine flu. They say that the swine flu is just as bad as the COVID-19 times. My son started with a bad throat that was very sore one morning I gave him some tonsilites for the pain because he always struggles with his tonsils, he went to school and when he came back he was worse. He didn't want to eat. So there the nightmare began 💔so on Friday I kept him at home he was in bed the whole day. He started coughing and sneezing a lot. I got him some medication. Friday came and Saturday started and the medication didn't work. Oh boy then he started with a fever, I gave him something for the fever and if it worked out it started again. 🤔 it was a terrible Saturday evening. Well on Sunday he said to us he wanted to go to the doctor. The Doctor are about 2 and a half hours of drive from us. We went to the doctors and they decided to book him in the hospital because they had to run some tests. My heart was broken and I couldn't stress too much because I was 30 weeks pregnant at that time. They helped him a lot and did some tests oh boy my son was very sick I was very heartbroken. When the test came back he had the influenza A virus the swine flu and tonsil infection ear infection.
And glandular fever. That was a bad one this glandular fever. His whole body was sore. They kept him for a week in the hospital. We are a view days now at home hes Doing better but his coughing are still bad.
I pray for speedy recovery.
Here are just a nice picture of my son I took at church the other day he loves motorbikes.
We love him very much.
This was in the hospital They gave him a nebulizer for the coughing. He didn't like it though.
I must brag a little bit, the other day my son was playing with his cars and he told me he wants to take pictures, I gave him my phone and he took some pictures of his cars. He has good talent he put his cars like this and he took the pictures. I hope that he will become a photographer one day haha.
My sons best friend are his dog Rusty. Rusty are a male dog and he are with us just over a year.
For the good news it's only a few weeks left then we going to meet our princess. I'm 32 weeks left I'm getting a c-section on the second of August.
About 3 weeks ago we went for a checkup at the doctor's to see how our princess are doing. 3 weeks ago she weigh 1.4 kg. Her tiny body are kicking me alot lately.
Here are a ultrasound what they took I love this one I say that she gave us a high five
Since the day we had the ultrasound my son will come and talk to her and say high five baby girl its so special.
I already started to pack her things into the bag for the hospital.
My next post ill share food again. Today's post are very special to me.
Be safe and have a wonderful week.
Hello @tigermom ✨
We are very sorry to hear that your son is sick. We hope that with effective treatment he will recover soon. Your photos are beautiful. He looks like an active and happy child.
We wish you all the best with the delivery of the next baby. It will be exciting days.
Have you been able to visit our post about the community healing account and how to support it? We invite you to visit it and consider if you want to support it in either of the two ways described. 😉
Thank you for your love and support 🌞
Wow you have lived many emotions in these last days, I hope your son recovers very soon, he is an incredible boy, I congratulate you for this new baby that is on the way, it will surely bring more joy to the family.
It was terrible, I had to stay with him the whole week with my big tummy. But we survived the week. But my son are not 100% yet. We can't wait for the new baby we are super excited.