RE: new plants for the garden (ENG/GEr)
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Hey your garden looks great :) I had no issues in the previous years with tomatos in my green house. Maybe me opening the door when I'm in the garden helped with getting some wind in there. But I have absolutely no luck with peppers but I also never tried to grow them outdoors. I assume it could be too cold for them here in the north(?)
But if you have luck with your peppers in the past then give chili a chance this year :)
I have 3 blueberries in my garden but I have the feeling that the soil is not good for them. They only grow a handful berries each year and recently I have heard that you'll need acidic soil (ph 4-5.5) so my clay soil is definetly not good ^^ maybe I'll find a solution for that this year ^^
Other than that I have also cucumbers, beans, zuchini, charp (mangold), sweat potato, sweet melon, porree, and this year new: cannabis (pssst) and jerusalem arichoke (topinambur) and they all developed good already :)
I am soooo freaking happy we are in the gardening season again! Keep us updated please :)