Wintermas Compilation!

Happy New Year everyone!

Near the end of December, we asked the community to help spread the #wintermas spirit by sharing some end of year reflections. Gosh did everyone deliver!

It was wonderful to get a glimpse into the inner blocks of each author's holidays! We'd like to give a big thank you to everyone who shared their thoughtful post, and to the Inner Blocks project for partnering with us for this contest!


Photo by Thalia Ruiz on Unsplash.

Wintermas Highlights

With a pool of 30 Hive, the following six authors will recieve 5 Hive each!

Ending With Gratitude by @jhymi

I tried to calm myself from the sharp pain bursting from behind my eyes through my forehead and I said to myself, “Is this how I’m going to close the year?” But then I took some painkillers fifteen minutes ago and I talked through the process of writing with one of my people...

Time of peace love hope and a new beginning
by @nill2021

We are just a few days away from saying goodbye to the year 2023, I feel first of all grateful because God has helped me so far because I am sure that alone it would be impossible...

My Diary: December 24 2023
by @palomap3

At that time I was an active participant in my neighborhood parish. My earliest Christmas memories are associated with spending the afternoon walking the streets with other parishioners...

A Growing Christmas Decoration Collection🎄 by @enginewitty


I don't know about you, but I one of the things I love about Christmas is the decorations. I try to make it a point to check out the city's various sparkles and shimmers in the evenings, taking a different route each time...

For both the good and bad, Cheers! by @jeclyn60

I'm grateful for the good and bad, it makes me stronger. Few days back I was down with health issues. I was blank for a few days, just me and my thoughts. Most people were enjoying their Christmas celebration but I was in one corner of my room wallowing in pain. That was when I realized that good health is underrated...

New Beginning, New Hope by @charinakim

I often compare my life with other people. They are more than me. Their lives are better, more prosperous, and everything feels easier. I saw posts from my friends who also had their families spend the New Year and Christmas holidays abroad and eat delicious food. They looked happy and do not seem to have any problems...

Ecency Points

Thanks to a generous donation from @yaziris, we have 3000 Ecency points to distribute! The following authors will each receive 500 Ecency points!

End of the year reflection by @flourishandflora

Firstly, 2023 is a year full of ups and downs for me and my family but being able to conquer makes my family a winner. A lot of things went other way round like I lost 3 of my friends to the cold hands of death and just for the year to round up, another bad news yesterday concerning my friend...

2023: YEAR IN REVIEW!! by @sundas.manzoor

January 2023, I was eagerly waiting for the exams as my cousin was getting married in February. At that time, my mom used to send me the pics to finalize my dresses and jewelry. That's interesting. Just give a wave of think that how social media drew us so closer. Without social media, everything would be finalize without my consent but now...

Thoughts on my life at Christmas 🤔🌲⏰️ by @soyunasantacruz

As I grow older the meaning of Christmas has been transforming like my body, as a child it was my favorite time of the year, from the middle of the year I looked forward to it, I loved everything, the colored lights, the decorations, the joy of the people, the traditional food and sweets, the music, the new clothes and of course the gifts, everything was wonderful at Christmas...

My year-end rituals by @miriannalis

At home we were not inculcated with rituals, ceremonies or traditions to celebrate any particular holiday, beyond those we followed to perform the sacraments of the church, and at Christmas we were used to the customs of the place where we celebrated or the people we celebrated with...

THE START OF A BEGINNING - HELLO, 2024! by @supernova004

Sitting at the balcony of my apartment overlooking the road, watching people scream in excitement and shooting fireworks, I unconsciously delve into that feeling of reflection that is usually assumed in this season. I smile thinking of how far I have come. How much I have grown in such short time. I believe very much, now, that it takes just a few seconds fir one's life to change totally...

It is a new year by @oyebolu

I believe this holiday meets us well. It has ended as 2023 closes its chapter.

Thank God for scaling through 2023 and matching on to the next year.

last year's achievement, experience, exposure and self-awareness made life more vivid for me from different views...

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Thank you for checking out our Wintermas Compilation! We hope you will take the time to visit some of the authors highlighted here to spread the love!


Did you know that we are paying out a share of our curation rewards to delegators daily thanks to @hivediscomod created by @yaziris? If you would like to help us boost TDP power, as well as earn some rewards in the process, delegations to @thoughtfulposts are greatly appreciated! 🤗✨


Thank you very much, it was a pleasure to share my thoughts with the community.

Congratulations to all who participated and the winners.

¡Have a happy new year 2024!


Wow thanks for selecting my publication congratulations to all participants success and blessings 💚.



Thank you so much for providing such a platform where I review my year and make up my goals for this new year. It was an amaing journey. Thank you for considering my post.


Wow, thank you so much for the selection. It’s a big honour for me.
Congratulations to all the winners, participants and organisers. You all made a beautiful contest and love spreading. ♥️😄 !LUV !DHEDGE



This post has been selected for upvote from our token accounts by @palomap3! Based on your tags you received upvotes from the following account(s):

- @dhedge.bonus
- @dhedge.pob
- @dhedge.waiv

@palomap3 has 3 vote calls left today.

Hold 10 or more DHEDGE to unlock daily dividends. Hold 100 or more DHEDGE to unlock thread votes. Calling in our curation accounts currently has a minimum holding requirement of 100 DHEDGE. The more DHEDGE you hold, the higher upvote you can call in. Buy DHEDGE on Tribaldex or earn some daily by joining one of our many delegation pools at


Thank you so much. It was an immense pleasure participating and sharing my thoughts with a community I've come to adore.
Congratulations to all who participated and the winners. Happy 2024 to us all.🤗💕


Thanks a bunch and graduations to all the winners.


Thanks for joining in on the fun! ❄️

Happy New Year! 🎉


Thanks, and you too.
Happy New Year.


@thoughtfulposts, First of all, I wish you and your entire family a very happy New Year. The heart feels happy to see the Christmas decorations and lights. Very beautiful pictures. Thank you.


Thank you so muchhh for the supports and the mention ^^
Have a blessed year


Thank you so much, it's a pleasure to share my thoughts to this community.Congratulations to all the winners. A greater 2024!
