Explaining WOO Game Terms Part 2: Speed Attribute.


Hello, everyone, let's continue our detailed study of WOO terminologies. In this post, we will be discussing the speed attribute of WOO NFT Wrestlers. Attributes, in this context, simply refer to the potential, skill, or abilities of a wrestler. This pertains to how strong he or she is to withstand the attacks of an opponent, launch attacks against an opponent, or even evade an opponent's attacks.

The Speed Attribute, if not the most, then one of the most important attributes of a WOO Wrestler, as it can significantly influence how the match goes.

What is Speed?

Just as the name implies, speed has to do with how fast a wrestler is. In real-life wrestling, you'd notice that there are some wrestlers who are known for their swiftness. Although they may not be so powerful, it's a challenge keeping up with them in a match. A classical example is the legend Rey Mysterio and many of the cruiserweight wrestlers.

How Does Speed Influence a Match in the WOO Game?

The speed of the wrestlers determines who attacks first in a match. Let's say your speed is 3 and your opponent's speed is 4; this means when the bell rings, your opponent will have the upper hand and launch the first attack. Now, in an instance where all other attributes (which we will talk about in a later post) are somewhat equal, this could mean your opponent has automatically won the match. Guess what? That's not the only thing speed does.

Evading Moves:

Speed also determines a wrestler's ability to evade an attack from the opponent. The higher the speed difference between you and your opponent, the more likely you are to evade their attacks.

Let's Do the Math:

There is a way to determine how likely you are to evade the move of an opponent based on your speed attribute:

{Defender's speed} - {Attacker's speed} = {Speed differential} x 10%

Now, don't be scared. I'll give an example to make it easier.

Let's say your speed is 7 and your opponent's speed is 2. Based on the formula, it's going to be:

(Your \ speed) 7 - (Attacker's \ speed) 2 = 5 x10%

So the final answer is 50%. This means you have a 50% chance of evading the attacks of your opponent.

What's the Advantage?

Everyone has a turn to launch an attack on their opponent. The person with the highest speed goes first. Whenever you evade the attack of your opponent, you then get the chance to hit back, and that's when the magic happens. You can defeat a powerful opponent who has less speed than you, provided you evaded his attack and kept launching yours.

Is This Always the Case?

There is just one instance where speed would not matter. In a main event with a special ruleset - Dog Collar Match. The stipulation of this match is that moves never miss, so that renders your speed useless. Apart from this type of match, Speed is king.

Can I Increase the Speed of My Wrestler?

Yes! You can increase the speed of your wrestler by leveling them up. Although you can't control the exact level, you can check the stats of your wrestler and see how leveling will increase the speed and up to what limit.

Can I Still Win Against an Opponent with a Higher Speed?

Most definitely and very likely. The factors that contribute to a win in a WOO game are quite numerous, and that's why it's a strategy game. I have been able to beat opponents who came in with wrestlers with slightly higher attributes than my wrestlers, all through strategic gameplay.

Where Can I See the Speed Attribute of My Wrestlers?

When you look to the left side of your wrestler, you will see two numbers in the middle. It's always the one at the top. The number below is the damage, and the one at the right side is the health. From the image below 👇, the speed of my wrestler is 3.

I hope this detailed explanation was helpful. Good luck on being the fastest wrestler in the WOOGame. And cheers to all your future wins.


Introducing traditional wrestling to the world of blockchain! Wrestling Organization Online(WOO) is a game on the Hive Blockchain centered around wrestling strategy. Its goal is to help retired wrestlers in the real world by providing financial support through the sales of their NFT's with 100% of market fees going to them. WOO also gives players an exciting, rewarding and competitive gaming experience.

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