Why We Need More Content Consumers on Hive

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Hive has some incredible content creators, each bringing unique stories, insights, and a piece of them to the platform. But here's the catch: to truly thrive, Hive needs more than just a flood of posts. We need a surge of engagement from content consumers to create a balanced and living community. This is nothing new, it's been something that many of us have been saying for years. So let's talk about why being a content consumer on Hive is just as important as being a content creator, and how it can benefit your pocket too! Many promote this narrative of blogging to earn, which is true, but we need to push just earning by being social.

Why We Need More Content Consumers

Picture a marketplace where everyone’s selling something, but no one’s buying anything. That's what Hive feels like the majority of the time when everyone focuses solely on creating content without engaging with others. For Hive to sustain and grow, we need a balance of creators and consumers. When users actively consume content, they foster a sense of community and support that encourages creators to keep contributing.

I see this as one big complaint for new creators coming to the platform. They complain of no activity, and think they have to earn a certain amount on their posts. Well, if you are coming in with no followers, you won't make much. You first need to get out there and engage with others to get your name out in the community. When you engage with an author, you may end up earning a new follower yourself, who may in the future give your posts some upvote love. Don't just focus on the bigger accounts either, go out there and spread the love around a bit. Join a community for more focused content to create, it makes it real easy to get involved in something you like.

The Role of Interaction in Hive's Ecosystem

Interaction is the lifeblood of any social network. Without it, the platform becomes a collection of isolated voices rather than a cohesive community, hence why it is called an 'echo chamber'. On Hive, interacting with posts by commenting, upvoting, and sharing is not just a way to show appreciation—it’s a crucial part of the ecosystem. It helps boost visibility, promotes diverse voices, and creates meaningful connections between users. The problem really comes when I see Hive members more active on X and other Web2 platforms, where they earn nothing, or in the case of X, you basically have to pay to play to get any engagement or the possibility of earning ad rewards. Not to mention the data they are collecting on you that you do not own. It's really sad if you ask me.

Earn Rewards as a Curator

One of the unique aspects of Hive is that it rewards not only content creators but also curators. Hell, authors cannot earn anything if there is nobody there to curate and engage with the content, so I would say it is extremely imporatnt to the ecosystem. When you interact with posts by upvoting or commenting, you can earn Hive tokens, HBD, and other random community tokens.

This is a win-win situation my dudes. You get to enjoy and discover great content while also being rewarded for your engagement. So why not make the most of this opportunity? Instead of spending your time on platforms like X or other Web 2.0 networks, engage with the content on Hive and reap the benefits, and you might even make some new friends along the way.

Building a Sustainable Community

For Hive to reach its full potential, we need to cultivate a culture of interaction and support. By actively consuming and engaging with content, we very easily contribute to the platform's sustainability and growth. It's not rocket science people. Let’s work together to create a thriving ecosystem where everyone’s voice is heard, valued, and rewarded. If we can start building some activity back in the network, and encourage people to buy HIVE and power up to increase their voting value in the network, then those who are always worried about the price of the HIVE token will see some value building back behind it.

In conclusion, let’s remember that Hive is not just a platform for posting content, it's a community, and one of the best, decentralized networks on the planet, in my dudely opinion. By becoming active content consumers and engaging with the amazing posts on Hive, we can help build a stronger, more supportive network that benefits everyone. So, start exploring, interacting, and earning some crypto!

Until next time...

Be Cool, be real, and always abide my dudes!!

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I sometimes think of ways I can get people to contribute to a post. Maybe setting up as a conversation, asking questions at the end will get people to fill out a comment.

Some posts get stacks of engagement, I saw one the other day where I drilled down several times to read the thread of replies. Amazing.

Then other posts, tumbleweed….

I often think it’s not always about the followers here, especially when popping a post on a community or tagging well.


Yeah, some get really good engagement. It's generally on posts from some of the bigger authors though, at least from what I see... And I am not including myself in that group either. I wish I was a bigger creator, but is what it is I suppose, lol. Some people just can't handle the dude's awesomeness, lol.

But yeah, some are also on specific community posts, which that does help with both sides in some cases instead of just posting to the wild.


Not everyone is a dudist that’s the trouble. I’ve often taught my stepson and his mates about dudism and they’ve adopted it as a kind of religious thing. Silly nutters!


Ah so you know Dudeism! I a Dudeist minister myself, 😂. Have actually officiated weddings, lol.

But yeah the world would be a much better place if we all had a bit of Lebowski in us!


I remember there was a lot of talk about how necessary it was to bring influencers and creators with a lot of followers out of Web 2 to get them into Hive. The truth is after so many months and years it never happened. They make more money and followers on Instagram and X. You talk about creators and content as if they are all the same or all interest in at the same rate . In my opinion, the truth is that the proposition on Hive is rather flat, meager, with no catchy content for large numbers of likes. The value of Hive keeps going down and for many people it is no longer attractive. I follow art and photography communities but I struggle every day to consume 10 upvotes for content that I think is interesting.


Well, instead of complaints, what are your suggestions for helping grow the community? I see you are still here engaging, so you still see some value in the community.


I can only think to complete and produce another comic and publish it here, but really is a lot of work to do. Probably this is not the right place at all. Maybe short stories... Short episodes. I see posting drawings or 3D scenes is not so appreciated, because in the end this is just a place made of too little fragmented personal blogs. I think Curators also struggle to find good material to promote. It's not about complaints, I try to find a reason, a connection to the actual situation.
The need to have a more active global community of users in Hive is a topic that pops up every year. And year by year the situation seems the same. Static.

I can only draw and make 3D. It's my job.


Then those are talents to share. Have you ever thought about doing tutorial style posts or videos? Those always tend to go better for me.

I am just trying to spark thought and get people thinking about more engagement. There are some good posts out there, depending on what you are looking for, you just have to find it, and to be honest, the Hive search functions could be a lot better.

Yes, this is a topic that comes up often, but it continuously needs to be addressed and figure out what can be done to help. Do we just say screw it and think about it as a decentralized database? I mean that is a great use case in my opinion. I don't know the solution really, I just want to see people get more active and at least try. But with the world we live in today, everybody wants someone else to handle it. But in this case it's up to all of us to make a difference.


These are time-consuming talents, and in the meantime you have to live in real life. The gain on hive is not worth that effort, moreover if the market value continues to fall. Your post received many likes and a few votes.... But you received only two comments. That gives you the picture. This blockchain has very little "human" interaction.You earn your hbd's and hives (which have seemingly less value) , but the talks always lose track of them. And every year the same talks come back. This is a problem.


It's worth more to me than any Web 2 interactions though. Even the few bits of Hive or HBD earned is still more than I am making on X or IG. So it's all in how you look at it. I mean I see by your profile that you basically gave up in 2023. I don't see a single post from you this year. So what are you doing to try and make a difference?


You are absolutely right, but it is a fact that the critical mass of users is not populating Hive.
We can have more technical discussions as well:
the Hive user has a very difficult growth curve in the beginning.
The ability to monetize for only 7 days a content that by nature, if it is good, should be monetizable always, is a big limitation especially for small users without power.
Staking and APY at 20% is too profitable (it is too profitable to earn without doing practically anything, without interacting, without being "content consumer" users as you say.
Delegating by earning passively has many advantages and moves away from "social activity."
These things are very nice but inevitably tend to "kill" the "social movement" of people only to benefit the structural movement of blockchain.
Machine wins over man.
If one tried to change the method (revolutionize the blockchain), "social" benefits could be achieved.

  • ability to monetize without time limits
  • very fast and profitable growth curve for new users
  • additional benefits from commenting (so as to enhance the social aspect of the blockchain, which instead works very well for gaming applications, but this does not create "social glue")

Recently, in my spare time I made two new drawings/illustrations (Fan Art), for my own enjoyment.
I have not yet posted in a large and beautiful community that I follow with pleasure, but I do not expect interaction. Somehow it passes the mood.
I have an account on Instagram but haven't used it for a long time because of Zuckerberg's policies. By now it has turned into a copy of TikTok.
Twitter also has no appeal for me, especially since Musk came along and literally destroyed everything.
So I opened an account on Bluesky but don't use it, and on Cara (which fights against AI scraping by protecting artists). In general, modern socials are full of hate and very tiring to follow (my opinion).

I can try to post a drawing...it's actually been a long time since I've posted something.


I agree with the whole 7 day thing. I think that it needs weekly payouts (every 7 days) on a post if the post is continuing to get upvotes. So first week's payout, then the next week's upvotes get paid out on day 14, and so on. I have made this argument before too.

Not everything has to be fast and profitable. That is why the industry is in the shape it is now. People need to get back to having to actually earn their way. This whole do nothing and get paid mentality of society now is really just stupid and immature. Everyone has to work for what they earn in one way or another.

Maybe a portion of curation rewards can be paid to comments even if they don't get an upvote on the comment. But then, that would get abused by the bot comments... So that wouldn't work... Thinking out loud here, haha.

But yeah, get out there and start posting. If you want people to take your thoughts seriously, you need to be doing at least your part to contribute to the platform by sharing your art, thoughts, or whatever. Not posting in 7 months doesn't really help. Hell, I'll even follow you to look for it when you post.


I am following with interest this discussion about making community in Hive. I consider myself a newbie in the community, I started leaving only comments to those posts that I found interesting, then I started following several creators and finally I was encouraged to post. I think that those months dedicated to commenting helped me to meet other people with whom I shared some affinity and not start from "zero" when I started to publish. It has been harder for me to find communities in which to publish and fit in. It took me a while to understand the importance of communities and community building. Agreeing with the points raised, I just wanted to expose my experience in these months.



Just get out there and start searching for communities that are surrounding your interests. There is really something out there for everyone. If not, well, it only costs 3 Hive to create a community, just saying...HAHA

At least if you then have a focus on the content you are wanting to consume, and someday create, then you will at least be getting involved with a group of like minded people. The trick is to just keep at it.


I can think of creating a one-member community 😁... but after months of searching I found one. In the end it has been a luck to take so long... in that search I found a small group of like-minded hivers...

Still, I like to keep browsing Hive and find some nice surprises...

I'll probably come back here... see you soon


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This platform is having new users and I’m sure we’re getting there
A lot of people will soon join Hive to make it a more interesting platform


Where are they? I don't see them? They need to be getting active.


I think the fundamental problem is that most users are very self centered, or selfish if I were to perfectly blunt. Their main aim is to throw out a post and hope for some random or auto bots upvote. If they put some effort in it, they may even hit the whale jackpot.

Consuming content on the other hand takes a lot more time and effort and the return is lower in comparison. Personally I try to avoid supporting people who don't engage or do low effort or AI generated engagement.

Sadly there are too many people who don't care about the growth and longevity of Hive and are just here for a quick buck.


Blunt away my friend. And you are correct that people are fundamentally selfish in that aspect. I have had my moments, and almost quit the platform myself, but still can't seem to let go. I still have a better experience than on other platforms.

My argument about the time consumption thing is that I see these same people out on other Web 2 platforms that do not pay you at all. I mean X does, but you have to pay to play and then have a certain number of followers and interactions. But for most people, they aren't making anything on it. So at least on Hive, your actions do earn some kind of rewards, no matter how small.

I also avoid people that don't engage and only post random stuff, so we are in the same boat there as well as the last statement. Sadly this is the sentiment of the whole industry and really boils down to the maturity level of the average person coming into the space. I mean look at the crap memecoins and other garbage out there that is in the top 100, and Hive is in the 400s with some of the best actual utility out there. Boggles my mind.


Content consumption is like the only thing I've really good for in life. But it's mostly spent on twitch or watching TV.

Recently I've actually been spending lots of time on X which I am certainly going to scale back a bit.

My main issue on hive is I can't find anything that interests me all that often.
I am also not a very good reader to begin with so that makes things take even longer.

But still. I really do need to put more effort in to actually reading some posts and finding people to follow. Probably get better at that once I've gotten all my socials and branding unified, little all over the place at them moment.


This is the second time I have heard this on this post. What kind of content grabs you? I am assuming more video as you said you are not a great reader. I am just trying to get an idea of some things that maybe even I can do to produce better content that people would want to watch.


Probably stuff related to fishkeeping and more.. in-depth kind of content that sparks discussions on the topic.
Like, I like to go on long rambles about subjects I'm interested in, usually mostly about HIVE on here, maybe something about aquarium upkeep and what not if I can find posts like that.
Few other subjects I like, like gaming, streaming, 3D modelling stuff like that.

I just often never in the mood to try and discover this content and a lot of the time it tend to be written in a way they just very much bugs me.


As others said, it's hard for me finding content that's interesting too.

I came here to make content that could be interesting and valuable for people. Content that could get more attention than Instagram, because web2 is over saturated. And I think Hive is the right place.
But still there's not a proper community around what I'm interested in, so I struggle to find posts that triggers in me a genuine and sincere response.

I'm spending a consistent amount of time here just scrolling through content that don't really catch me. Not because I'm picky about quality, but because of the lack of topics that are interesting to me.

I'm trying to create a space for what I like to be replicated, but unless there are actually people passionate like me about that, it's hard to have interaction


You can create your own community easily on-chain and try to build it up. Sometimes you have to be the change you want to see.

What kind of content are you looking for just out of curiosity?


Well I'm interested in the alternative music scene, because that's what I do.
But also the rock and metal community is not really active here, and that should be much more mainstream


I hear you. The music scene is weird here on Hive. I even built a music related front end and token with NFT marketplace (Blocktunes.net), and nobody really adopted it so I am rebuilding it on EVM chains in an attempt to get more users involved. Each little music community kind of does it's own thing and doesn't like working with others. Is what it is. And yeah, there isn't much of a metal scene here, hell barely even any electronic producers/DJs. But then again, sometimes we have to be the change we want to see, even if it's difficult.


Ah yeah, I know about Blocktunes!
Well I think that maybe here there aren't many original music composers and songwriters, that's why Hive lacks a bit in the true creative side.
Sure it's difficult to trigger the change, but I personally can't live without making music, and I repeat, MAKING music, not playing covers. So I'll to do it anyway and I decided to do it here too, and who will follow, will follow and that's it 😂


I was about to step out and decided to look up your profile since you took the time to leave a comment on my post. I needed to see this post. Sometimes we can know a thing, but it really catches us when someone else says the quiet part out loud.

So I said "no, we're going to find something to comment on with him before leaving." I'm a creator who needs to consume more as well. Thanks for sharing, I'm gonna reblog this so it's in front of me for the coming week or so. NOW, I can go out. :)


LOL! Thanks for sticking around and checking it out. Be safe this weekend friend!
