When the Universe Speaks You Should Probably Listen
Man, the last couple of days have been absolutely wild in the markets. Not just in crypto, but stocks and commodities too. Hell, even the DXY (the U.S. dollar index) took a nosedive. Everything is all over the place, and it's hard to tell what the market is actually doing. But, when you are cash poor because you spent all your money on miners and the solar setup to run them, and all of your liquid assets are crypto and silver, you've gotta do what you've gotta do sometimes to make end's meat. So here is a little story of how my day has gone so far...
The Silver Struggle
I’m not one to panic sell, but I had a bill to pay, and I needed some quick cash. My first thought was to offload a little silver since the price held up way better than crypto, but is still down a bit but not enough to make me cringe at selling. So, I grabbed a few ounces and headed to the coin shop. But when I got there, I found out they were closed for the next two days. Alright, no big deal. This wasn't the shop I normally go to, but I had another errand on that side of town.
With them being closed, I went on down to the shop I usually hit up, but my guy was completely out of cash. He pointed me to another shop, so I went there, and same story! Both places said people were liquidating, but they didn’t know why. That’s when I started getting that weird feeling, like the universe was trying to tell me something.
Signs from the Universe
At this point, I still wasn’t listening. I thought, "Okay, maybe a pawn shop will take them." But as I was driving, something in me just kept saying, "Dude, just go home." That feeling got even stronger when my stomach started growling. The universe was like, "Forget the silver, go home and eat something." And honestly, who am I to argue with food? So I started to make the trek home to get some grub and get some other things done around here. Obviously it wasn't meant for me to be out and about today, haha.
The Bitcoin Backup Plan
After I got home and filled up my belly, I figured I’d just sell some BTC instead. Simple, right? I pulled up Cash App, which at this point is my only fiat offramp, went to copy the address to send the BTC over, and boom—app crashes. At that point, I had to laugh, well, after cussing a bit. But, if that wasn’t a sign to just sit tight for a couple of days and let the market recover and settle down, I don’t know what is. So I just put my phone down, ate my salad, and watched some 'Wicked Tuna'.
Trust Your Gut
The moral of the story? When you get that gut feeling, or that little voice in your head telling you to hold up, you had better listen to it. Whether it’s the universe, your instincts, or just plain common sense, sometimes it knows better than you do. And in times like these, where the markets are acting crazy, I’d rather trust my gut than force a bad move. So, yeah. I’m waiting this one out. The bill can get paid in a couple of days, it's cool, and I'll just let the markets do what they do.
Until next time...
Be cool, be real, and always abide with you my dudes!
Posted Using INLEO
Always listen to that little voice, I agree! Never sell silver to a pawn shop, they'll only give you 50% of the value so they can double their money. Then the BTC app crash, you weren't meant to sell anything it seems. Hopefully you can figure out the bill another day without having to liquidate assets!
I have to liquidate something. Silver is my 'off-ramp' from crypto to avoid KYC and reporting, as it is actually still seen in my state as Constitutional money and I don't get hit with sales taxes, only dealer premiums, lol. Mostly, I just order from APMEX with LTC, DOGE, or BTC and save it up until I need some cash. Basically coin shops are my banks, lol, and my options were either closed or out of cash, so I just have to wait until tomorrow when the other shop is open. I don't want to burn up my other source too much.
The goal is to eventually start dealing bullion and such for cash or crypto at regional collectible shows where I can get a free table anytime because I am the webmaster for the promoter, lol. I have been just focused on spending money on these mines and the power infrastructure to power them, lol.
I hear you there... I hate KYC and refuse to participate unless I'm forced to. I'm hoping that Trump is successful on eliminating the income tax and shifting to import taxes. Tax paperwork and filing are a nightmare... Better to deal with a reliable coin shop than Coinbase...
Would be awesome, but I am trying to get out of the Matrix anyway, the best I can, lol, hence why I created a crypto based marketplace with Hivelist, lol, although it's fighting for it's life right now, lol.
But it's good I held out because we are getting a bit of a bounce today.