The 3D Production Never Stops In The Logical Labs
Printers are hard at work, they don’t know its the weekend! Meanwhile I am hanging out and handling some other chores around the house. Aren’t mechanical employees cool or what?
Until next time…
Be Cool, Be real, and always abide my dudes
Right on. That's looking like a great production day!
For sure man, got a ton going on around here trying to get ready for product launch next month!
May your success be all you want need and can handle. You deserve it.
Today was bad for me. I'll try to call you tomorrow. Could use a friend to talk with.
So happy to see another a1mini owner on hive. These things are perfect arent they?
Have you got the ams yet and red and white to do hive logos? Try hilbert curve as top aurface pattern for crazy detailed text
No AMS yet, don't have the need for it currently. I did just pick up an A1 with the bigger bed though. It's a beast. I moved the mini over to be my white only printer, helps me keep those freshy fresh whites.