The Eternal Struggle of Getting My Life Organized


I have this incredible ability to come up with awesome ideas. Seriously, if there was a way to monetize just the sheer volume of cool concepts that pop into my head daily, I'd be a billionaire by now. The problem? Execution and completion. That one little step that actually turns ideas into reality. It's like my brain is a high-speed idea factory with a distribution system that consists of a sloth taking a nap. I can get a hundred projects started before I end up finishing one. Welcome to my life, haha.

The ADHD Overanalysis Feed Loop

A big part of this struggle comes from my severe case of ADHD. If you know, you know. My brain is always firing on all cylinders, even when I don't want it to, but actually focusing on getting things done is another story. Procrastination sneaks into play because I tend to overanalyze everything to the point of mental exhaustion. I’ll have an idea, then spend so much time thinking through every possible detail, every potential problem, every single scenario, that by the time I feel "ready" to start, I’m too burned out to actually do it. And then... nothing gets done. Rinse and repeat. It even effects things like my trading because I will overanalyze everything and end up missing the trade. Things tend work out when I just run on the first instinct so I need to do a bit more of that.

My Priority Task List Experiment

But I’m working on making some changes. I have talked about these things before. So what is the plan? Making a priority task list. Sounds simple, right? Just write down the things I need to do and knock them out one by one. Except my brain doesn't quite work that way. I look at the list, and instead of doing the small, easy tasks first, I fixate on the big, overwhelming ones. The result? I get stuck, and once again, nothing gets done. So instead of focusing the the mountain of stuff I need to do, I need to just take that hill one step at a time.

I Gotta Take Life One Step at a Time

So now I’m trying to retrain my brain. Instead of thinking about the mountain of crap to do, I’m focusing on just the next step. One thing at a time. No overanalyzing, no spiraling into indecision, no convincing myself that I need to watch "just one more" YouTube video before I start. Just action and going by my first instincts. Famous last words, right? Haha.

It’s not easy, and I know I’ll still get stuck in my head sometimes, but progress is progress. If I can slowly chip away at this bad habit and actually start crossing things off my list, I’ll count that as a win. One step at a time. One task at a time. And hopefully, by the end of it, I won’t still be standing at the base of the mountain, wondering where the time went.

Until next time...

Be cool, be real, and always abide with you my dudes!

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Task list and ToDo lists are absolutely a great idea for people with ADHD, I've got like 40 different sticky notes on my computers desktop, (I use a program called stickies)
All with ToDo and tasks related to a bunch of different projects like 3D modelling work to do on my VTuber avatar, Household tasks that need doing. you name it, it's there.

I also make sure to break larger subjects down into more bite sized tasks that are easier to complete. That quick feedback and the look of things getting checked off is a great motivator.


Yeah, I have a white board on the door to my office/workshop so I have all my stuff there that stares me in the face when I am pacing around, lol. Another issue is remembering to update the list, lol.


I do not have the ADHD problem, but I do have a slight OCD issue where I have to have everything in a certain order sometimes? And it tends to impede my own progress, not the same but similar effects at times. And, like you, if I could just get paid to think? Elon would be working for me. !LOLZ !hiqvote
