Getting Chores Done on the Homestead- Waste Management and Cutting Bushes


The weather is finally starting to cooperate so I can get some outside work done on the homestead. One big task on my to-do list has been to build this trash incinerator that I purchased from Amazon to help with waste management because I don't have city trash to come and pick up and a trip to the dump is a whole thing. So I decided that if it can burn, let it burn! Everything else, I can bag up and take to an apartment complex about 15 minutes down the road that has a pull up trash compactor, lol. That's for like plastics, glass, and other stuff that I can't or don't need to burn.

Prepping The Site

The site I decided to put this flaming can was out back near my other camp fire ring where my dad had put this old steel square that was used back years ago as a welding table top. Well, I don't need it for that purpose anymore, as I am not really welding anything, so I figured it would be the safest place to put this thing. The problem was it was really un-level.

Repurposing Bricks from a Garden Bed

First thing I did was go and get some bricks from an area that I am getting ready to change up completely and didn't need over there anymore. So I loaded up my little wagon and took them around back to where I was going to be using them.

The bricks were used to help level up this insanely heavy piece of solid steel. I was able to man-handle it and get everything leveled up and in place the way I wanted. It wasn't perfect, but it's what I could do with absolutely no help around here, lol. I guess the universe knew what it was doing when it made me the size of a small gorilla, lol.

Trimming Old Trees

For the next part, I get to use my brand new Dewalt 20V Chainsaw! I have been accumulating these Dewalt 20V tools because my dad had already bought some and had a bunch of these batteries, so I figured I would go electric with most of my tool instead of gas so I could make use of the resources I had, and so that I can use power I can generate instead of having to rely on gas for everything.

The little tree was nothing for my electric fun saw, haha. Zipped it right on down. I moved the old tree to the side, which I will cut up later on and stack to use for fire wood.

Building the Incinerator

In wonderful Amazon fashion, you have to assemble everything. This thing had nothing but some super sharp metal edges on EVERYTHING, so I went and had to throw on my work gloves so I wouldn't slice my hands up and got to work putting it together.

Didn't get a ton of pictures of the building process, because it was really a pain in the ass to build with one person and there was a bunch of cussing going on, haha. Would have been much smoother with an extra set of hands helping me hold everything up. But it got done.

The First Flames

Naturally, I had to try it out to make sure it works and won't just melt under the heat that I plan on putting it through, haha. I started with a pile of leaves and twigs, then tore up the cardboard box it came in and lit it on fire using my propane torch through the bottom holes on the side.

I would say it does it's job! After I got some other boxes roasting in the fire, I went for the trash cans to see how well it would handle it. Like a champ is how it did! So I am super happy that I have a good trash incinerator system that I can use to burn burnable trash around the homestead, including the big narely ass bush I cut down from the side of the house.

The Bush Finally Comes Down

Using only my new little chainsaw and my brute strength, I was able to cut down this crazy thick bush that my folks had planted years ago, but obviously had never kept it up, lol. It was thick and nasty and needed to just come down. Plus with my new solar rig getting ready to go up soon, that was going to be my biggest source of shading, so it had to go!

Not many pics of this process either because it was all brute strength and cussing to get this thing cut up enough to move it across the yard and to the back of the house where I will eventually cut it up and burn it all. You can get an idea of how much work it took just by the size of the bush. So that's the next chore is to finish cleaning up the bush, but because I am at a good stopping point, I am going to be done for the day and get ready to clean up and cook some dinner. Gives me something to do and burn tomorrow, lol. Not like I don't have enough as it is, haha.

Until next time...

Be cool, be real, and always abide with you my dudes!

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Posted Using INLEO


This is wonderful. I love the pictures, well taken and arranged, love the caption and overall, am a lover of nature.


Busy and productive day that you had there. I like your incinerator, I just burn garden waste out in the open, but it is safer to have fires contained x


Yeah, I was doing that in my regular fire pit, but it was blowing all over the place, and I don't want a bunch of trash in my camp fire pit that I use to relax.


Nice work, dude! That's a lot of work, I'm glad you're still able to do all that. Not sure if I could! Of course the cussing is just part of the fun. Seriously nice job!


Oh yeah, I can do it. I am fat and out of shape, but that's what this is all about, lol. Get my arse healthy, lol.
