While the world turns.


Elvis official youtube.

The Hive Name.png
That's where the mind is. the Ghetto. Not a great place for the mind to wander. I think I want to start a war. Maybe not a war. But to build an adversary. I want to turn the Ghetto to a place people want to go to. Most do not see the Ghetto. Even those who live there no longer feel the chains.

The struggles are basically the same as everyone else. Get enough to get through the day week month or year. Everyone is missing that the Ghetto is expanding. Expanding by intent, and then all the negative stuff I would continue with here. Pretend I said all that.

Everything is corrupt blah blah blah, Everything is stacked against you, Blah blah blah. There ye go.

After that the only thing to say is.


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Google maps.

I want to start there and expand out. This should be done in other places too. Then gradually, join the dots. An effort concentrated in a few places. Let it consolidate itself for a while and grow to suit the need and not a desire. That's where I want to take Hive to start. From that one spot. Hive or any other project can expand.

Now it does not have to be this location. It could be a spot near you. Part of the success is in having multiple locations. One has to be the first though. So why not Ballyfermot Dublin. Because of my bias, I think this is the perfect place to start.

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Why Hive?
Simple answer here. For the most part. Sending tokens is free. Secondly. You can get it free. Well, not exactly free. But without financial risk. Blogging playing games curating or replying to blogs can all get you some HIVE or HBD. So yes it is possible to start with zero finance, add your time and possibly grow your account. This key advantage Hive holds is not utilised by the chain as a whole.

Yes. I think we should encourage a group of people to plunder the rewards. They can get no more than is voted to them and that vote is allowed to be given by whomever to whoever. The difference would be they are encouraged to use it as currency and not exchanging for other tokens.

Then the necessity for an exchange so you can make use of your token does not need transaction charges. Increased decentralisation of finance. Another middle man tracking you is removed.

A new source for support for the chain gets established. Not only additional members. Also an external financial support. The community supported begin the structure for the chain to support vacations paid with HBD. Employment of staff to perform tasks that benefit the chain. Maybe the creation of a help desk for the chain. A dial in freephone number in every country.

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Why one location?
One of the well known names here on Hive, @r0nd0n phrases it well on X.


Little pockets spread across the planet all getting just not enough support. That has shown time after time here on Hive, that is is not fruitful. Yes it does do something for a small community and help them. But, after? In many cases things fall apart for different reasons.

Giving support to one area on a decreasing scale while growing the community utilising infrastructure which can be supported.

The bridges we built out there in the middle of someplace. When they got funded. Did the funding include the cost of paint for number of years and someone there to paint?

Just doing one thing in an area is not good enough. Consolidation of what has been done needs to be there and remain. This does not mean additional costs to the chain. It means a reduction in reliance on support and the ability to provide various types of support back to the chain.

Developing the use of HBD is something that should have started years ago.

Hive is like a botanical garden. So much variety to choose from it is hard to know where to look.

Unfortunately, Everyone here is only interested in their own flower and miss the beauty that can be seen from stepping back.

At the end, Hive revenue should be multiple times the daily reward pay out. This would facilitate things like a help desk.

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Free to play:

Music game: https://www.risingstargame.com?referrer=thehive
