Life and Then.
Help is Help?

Part One.
Part Two.
Part Three.
Part Four.

Reflection after reflection. Tom thought he bought himself some brownie points with the loom. But he could do with seeing more of those smiles.
Rea is not the only young person to make use of the shop. The list of names is too long and many of the names I do not know. Most of the time. the interactions with others are the boisterous ones. Young lads experiencing their first freedoms and knowing more than the rest of us. This cheekiness has to be ignored to a point. Their trying to out wit with words is wasted on common sense. But he plays along half way anyway.
A bit younger. Games getting played in the shop is a constant thing and constantly told no. That works until tomorrow. lol. One such of these young chaps got himself barred from the shop a second time for giving back chat after being asked to stop.
The day after.
The yard was looking a bit grubby. A quick hose down would make it look much better. Hosing the yard turned into hosing down the side of the shop too. Soaking the ground and brushing the slush along.
"Can I help?"
Turning to see who was behind him. "not sure what you can do". It was the young chap from yesterday who got himself barred. "you might get all muddy with the brush and soaked with the hose.
The hose was chosen. He began to hose dust and pebbles along the parking space/loading bay at the side of the shop. Chances are that patch would need going over, or look a bit out of place. But kids and water, they could play and be content for hours. He grabbed the broom and moved to the other end of the walkway, so not to get drenched himself. Sweeping away casting an eye up now and then. To check he wasn't spraying the passing cards. Which he was. Splashing more than spraying.

Looking up to check the helping progress. Skipping across the green was smiler herself. Oh Lord. This is gonna be fun, the voice inside whispered low and devious. "You know she is going to want to do the hose too". Sure enough.
I'm helping Tom. My new help said to Rea. The one that got barred yesterday was now a great friend. Helping me hose down the bay and pathways by the shop. Here it comes.
Rea. Can I help you?
Tom. Well let's see. This bit with the brush will get you mucky. It splashes everywhere. (Plus the brush was a yard brush. It would be heavier than the dirt to push). Maybe you two can take turns with the hose. Let's go down and see.
Surprisingly, sharing the hose was not an issue. Now I had two helpers. No fights broke out over the hose. A simply request to let Rea help too after he done a bit more. The hose was passed in less than a minute. The sludge and waste I shovelled myself in to a large wheelie bin. Dragging the bin in and winding the hose back up. I told the new crew to meet me in the shop and I would get them both a drink for all their hard work.
A packet of crisps (potato chips, USA) and a soft drink each. Cup of tea for Tom. For the next 15 minutes Tom must have looked like Noddy from Toytown. His head going left to right trying to follow what the two were telling him. Each story trying to be bigger than the last.

Returning back to work, both were asking for more to do around the shop. Really there was nothing they could do. He suggested they make their way home. Let mom know where they have been. Which just got a weird look.
After a walk around the aisle of the shop. Seeing nothing they could say they could do. Both made their way home again with their drink in hand.

Free to play:
Music game:
come on write more.
Coming soon
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