Debate Maybe?



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Want to get this out so I do not forget.
Over at the Rising Star Game. You can log in using your Hive Keychain.
Some great initiatives are being made there. If you have any interest at all in the P2E Play to Earn arena. Rising Star is making some great moves.

Along side that. There is external start that has begun for the game. Dedicated to the purchase of cards and another account to help players progress. The initial benefits there appear to lean toward the Newbie to the game. But all members gain different advantages, depending on their level of the game. Also the direction in game they would like to take.

Those who missed the start of the game. Have a chance now to jump in to the game. Before the massive improvements to the game kick in. Don't miss out twice.

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In mt previous post.
I challenged everyone to a debate and then wrote out some thought.

I ended the post with.
"The doors left unlocked. One of them has the solution. The Key is a question. Open the door with that question."
I did get a reply and responded in acceptance.
I am not sure if Buttcoins understood my challenge. He did write he accepts the challenge. From the reply. I extracted through abstraction a question. I said yes. I can show how the silly question I extracted can have a yes answer.

I am thinking that reply might leave a bit of confusion with Buttcoins. (Hopefully). Cause that is the point. Confuse so questions are asked to resolve.

There is a plan.

A mediator of sorts might be needed. Or moderator of the debate.
The thing I find the hardest about talking about the things in my mind. I have the same thing three times. Past present and future. It is easy for me to kump 20 years to the future. or 50 years. Then back to the present with just the philosophy of what can be done. To history and how we got here.

It is all the same thing in a different frame. I have played the story more than once in various ways. It always comes to a replication of what already is. Without it. There is only one and the one rules.

I think the debate should start from and end result and how we could manage to get there.

The moderator would help distinguish questions answered. When a solution for the present is put in place. The effects of a solution on everything are forgotten for the next question. Discussing a future position is pointless unless the projected growth and changes are considered.

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So the objective from my part is to show how Buttcoins Butt can turn the key to open the doors needed opening.

It would be Buttcoins position to find questions or faults about the system or things I say. Be it financial about Hive or the method used.

We are not building an alternative DHF. The project would be a Hive blockchain support. It would encompass more than just development of code and assisting smaller non private projects. Things that could be seen as just a hobby to many.

Private projects would need to enter into agreement with the support structure.

What we would build is something that can replace and do more than the DHF is designed to do.

Allocated % of available funding would go to various of Hive development. X to projects. X to active games on chain. X to coders. X to charity the Hive blockchain sets up. X for the legal fees you do not yet see.

There is additional X's can be added there. As the project develops. Those and others will be added along with community support for projects locally to people.

This can all be done with ease. Cost but easy to do.

Buttcoins did say he was in agreement with many of the things I have said. However. That bit of knowledge about what I think. Should enable him to spot faults easier. He had more time to think about them.

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Rising Star. Discord.

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COLT token


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Join Block Horse Racing—your reward is waiting.


Few more weeks.

Maybe we can help promote awareness of the woo token to other game players and produce value for the woo tokens.
