Why the Intel Agencies Want to Track Your Every Transaction and Throw Roger Ver in Jail for Life


Why the Intel Agencies Want to Track Your Every Transaction and Throw Roger Ver in Jail for Life

I am no big fan of Roger Ver and his BHC shilling and BTC crap talking. That said anyone in the BTC community who wants him in jail for this is moronic. He should be pardoned immediately!


Governments, corporations, and NGOs are covertly controlled by blackmail. Child sex traffickers like Chabad Lubavitch, whose tunnels under their NYC World Headquarters were revealed and plugged with concrete without investigation, exercise their nefarious plans with impunity as a result.

BTC clearly cannot create financial independence from the fractional reserve banking fraud. Crypto itself is fatally dependent on physical infrastructure owned by the IRL legacy financial corporate Fascist covert actual government of the world, and they allow it's relatively inconsequential use in order to enable the wealth crypto assets represent to create bait that it's owners will refuse to relinquish when CBDCs are imposed.

Ver's statements about the murderous, sadistic nature of this Fascist actual governance is accurate and this will continue to impose evil machinations on humanity, including making examples of Ver, Ulbricht, and Assange. Billions of people self-censor in order to avoid being destroyed like those exemplars. In truth we cannot understand and characterize fully the generational operations to implement the NWO and the technocratic totalitarian tyranny that will reduce humanity to UN nationals and chattel because we have been bamboozled, blackmailed, and bribed just as much as any corrupt politician or cop. We have no capacity to fix the NWO, to change it from the inside, or seize it by force. We will outcompete it, successfully defeat it militarily, and destroy it utterly and create a society of utterly free and prosperous people.

The laws of physics mandate what tech can exist, and across every field of industry today decentralization of the means of production are the leading edge of tech advance that most increase productivity. Centralization has been a temporary phase humanity has endured since it arose tens of millennia ago with the advent of agriculture and is today obsolete, being replaced one 3D printer, one aquaponics system, one laser cutter at a time, as the new infrastructure of decentralized production of goods and services rolls out. It will take time to develop and distribute this new paradigm to the eventual economy that will replace the extant centralized economy, but the laws of physics cannot be bribed, blackmailed, or bamboozled, and obligate parasites cannot extract wealth and power from individuals using table top tech to produce their own goods and services they consume, because there's no profit margin, no interest payments, and no taxable events created by that decentralized production.

This will not happen easily nor peacefully. Psychopaths that care only for their own benefit will torture and slaughter anyone and everyone to maintain their wealth and power. Security, communications, and mobility will have to be created just as much as food, water, and power by the sovereigns that create the new civil society that will inevitably prevail. Billions - literally billions of people - will fail and die as a result of the murderous madmen that will prefer to rule a world of ashes and groveling thralls than to be peers in the society of men of merit ubiquitously sybaritically wealthy and utterly free. Merit will sort humanity through the transcendence of the clinal boundary between centralization and decentralization, because evolution works through the death of the incompetent. Humanity has transitioned from the Stone age to the Space age, and illimitable resources just laying at every hand free for the taking by whoever first seizes and develops them are coming into view and reach as space transport manufacturing increasingly adopts 3D printing and the industry expands into myriad ever smaller corporations increasingly competent to attain to those resources.

Asteroid Psyche alone is estimated to be worth ~$1Quadrillion, and orders of magnitude more resources are just laying there for free in the solar system. The crude mechanisms that have arisen such as basic 3D printers, laser cutters, aquaponics, DIY solar, concerete slabs doped with carbon black for storing that power, and etc, are just the beginning, and development will increase individual ability to automate and multiply the means of production individuals and small communities and corporations can employ exponentially as distribution increases the same way. We won't be the last of men that take action to create prosperity and liberty during this evolution of civil society, but we will do so if our posterity will someday be utterly and completely sovereign and free from any oppression or overlords to create unimaginable prosperity and felicity that humanity will enjoy in perpertuity.

