The Wonders Of Science on Earth Teaches The Power of Collaboration
Hi there everyone, it's The Business Guy back again with a very interesting topic.
This is much more of a science related blog which describes the Wonders of nature and how chemical elements which usually have different properties can combine to create the most unusual stuff.
Let me give you a classical example of what I'm talking about guys.
Sodium, which is a metal soft enough that you can cut with a knife is poisonous it its very raw state and another very dangerous thing about that element is that it'll easily explode if you put it in contact with water.
There were many experiments done and with sodium dipped in water and it all ended in an explosion. I would advice that you don't try this experiment without any form of physical protection against the explosion.
Here's another very interesting element, Chlorine.
Chlorine is a deadly gas which can cause serious damage to your internal organs if you breathe jus5a little in.
These two elements are very deadly and dangerous, however add them together and the chemical reaction will create table salt.
We eat salt all the time and we can easily dio salt in water and all we get is salty water not an explosion.
We can smell salt and it wouldn't be deadly to us. It's super mysterious how to dangerous elements come together to create something this harmless and also even very useful to us.
Now let's look at another wonderful mystery.
I have oxygen which promotes combustion then I have hydrogen which is also an explosive gas.
When you decide to put these two elements together, you make water which puts out fire.
It's funny how Oxygen which is part of the water molecule promotes combustion and yet pairing it with Hydrogen can put out fire.
These are some of the wonders and mysteries of nature.
Elements with dangerous properties can pair together to create something harmless and useful.
Nature teaches us that even elements with dangerous properties can create something beneficial when they come together.
Similarly, in life, collaboration and understanding can turn challenging situations into positive outcomes.
Thanks for the read friends. I hope this inspires you as it has inspired me.