My Thoughts on the Incomprehensible Scale of the Universe


Oh indeed guys, the world is so large. In truth, it is very big. It made me think so much the other day when I was reading about this.


For example, they said that there are actually 100 billion galaxies in our universe. If that’s right then each of them contains approximately 100 billion stars.

This is quite a number of stars. I mean, how can I even count up to that huge number, which is far beyond my imagination?

It just makes me feel small you know what I mean? We are like little dots in the vast space, opening up into eternity. You know what else blows my mind? Just one planet revolving around one star among billions of other stars in billions of galaxies.

Then again, it may not just be us out here.

No kidding! With all those countless galaxies and stars that seems rather narrow-minded doesn’t it? Perhaps there are other beings out there too; maybe they watch their sky as we do and ask the same questions we do

Though it’s funny, there are times when I gaze at night sky and experience a sense of marvel and astonishment while other times it could be a bit frightening, don’t you think?

What if we are not alone, and there is some life out there that watches us? Then again, this universe is so immense and the probability of ever encountering another intelligent race is really low.

However, it remains interesting to imagine what may lie ahead. Maybe there could be other beings that are more advanced than us who travel galaxies or explore space.

Alternatively, there may be civilizations that have just emerged like we were thousands years ago attempting to understand their place in the universe.

But one thing is true: the Universe has many secrets which are too difficult for us to comprehend entirely. But this is fine with me, though. It’s because of its unknown aspects that make it an exciting place for all of us isn’t that true?

So next time you look upwards into the sky just think about those billions upon billions of stars up there and remember how privileged we are to be part of it all.
