My Take on Facebook's Future: VR, Controversies, and More


Hello everyone it's the Business Guy once again and I'm back to share some latest business and tech news.


Looking into the future, I see Facebook shifting more towards virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

These have been some of their recent areas of focus in terms of investment. To me, they even came up with a VR headset specifically known as Oculus Quest.

Facebook believes that someday AR and VR will become ubiquitous and will replace our regular screens among other things. They want to be the big shots in this new world. They are hoping to make a killing off AR and VR once everyone jumps on board.

But here is the thing: diving head first into AR and VR for Facebook could present some serious problems. Yes, it may mean even more advertisements and cool gadgets for us users but it also means more intrusion into our lives. This kind of technology can tell where we go and what we do which kind of scares me.

Now let’s talk about the Facebook controversies that it’s always entangled in. It can be likened to a never-ending soap opera! Due to the vast number of Facebook users, it is impossible for them to control everything going on in the social media site, and what does this mean? More drama!

Here are some potential future dilemmas for Facebook:

  • Privacy brouhahas: Already they have had several of these; I predict more.

  • Political favoritism: According to others, it is not fair when Facebook has an opinion.

  • Fake news and lies: In some instances, it becomes difficult to tell what is true on Facebook.

  • Getting hooked too much: Spending too much time on Facebook can mess with your head

  • Being a jerk online: Cyberbullying remains a problem, and sometimes, even if not all the time, fails facebook?

  • Overreaching itself? Some people are worried about whether or not Facebook has excessive influence.

Frankly speaking, I can’t see the end of these challenges. Even though Facebook makes an effort, it has overwhelmed itself by its activities. Besides that, this crusade may terrify investors which is not good for Facebook’s future.

However, it is not all depression and distress. Probably Facebook can save up its image by focusing on responsible usage of the site. It might be helpful in the long run.

From my point of view, Facebook should be cautious with this AR and VR stuff. Yes, it seems amazing but they should not forget about our privacy please! As for those crises, well; Facebook ought to lift their game. Otherwise who knows? These people will die out in future or even what could happen to them later on.
