My Take on Biden's 2024 State of the Union Address


Hi everyone it's the Business Guy and hope watched the very recent State of the Union Address by the president of the United States of America, President Joe Biden.

From watching President Biden’s State of the Union speech yesterday, there were a few things that stood out to me.

I would like to share some of my thoughts on the key moments from his speech.

To begin with, Biden talked about what was happening in Ukraine. He likened this to a period when the world was confronted with suchlike threat to freedom and democracy.

The significance of backing up Ukraine against Russia in its conflict is underlined by this president; he even called on Congress to pass a bill providing aid for it. I think that supporting Ukraine’s struggle for freedom is essential for America.

The other matter Biden tackled was reproductive rights.

While he never mentioned “abortion,” he referred to the need of defending Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion across America according to Supreme Court ruling.

He noted guests who had suffered difficulties accessing reproductive healthcare services who told their stories, which include reasons behind those challenges.

I am of the opinion that it is important to guard freedom of choice and guarantee that all individuals have equal access to safe and legal abortion facilities.

Biden touched on the issue of immigration in his speech.

He also urged Congress to restore a bipartisan compromise on border security, which had been derailed by former President Trump and House Republicans objecting to it.

A discussion followed between Biden’s remarks and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene over an undocumented immigrant who caused a tragedy. I appreciate the complications that come with immigration policies, but I believe that it should be undertaken humanely.

Gun reform was another notable issue mentioned by Biden in his speech. As such, they included things like ban for assault weapons as well universal background checks aiming at revealing guns violence impacts communities countrywide devastatingly.

I back Joe Biden’s fight against gun violence and knowing that sensible laws concerning guns are necessary to protect our society.

Regarding Gaza, Biden also referred to the situation in his speech and showed concern for the civilian casualties. He thus called upon the Israelis to allow more help into the area but did not make a direct call for a permanent truce which probably worried some Democrats and voters.

At least he made an attempt to address this issue by stating “I appreciate his efforts” nonetheless, more needs to be done in order to secure a lasting peace within this region of the world.

Finally, he spoke about how people are concerned about his age.

This indicated that he recognizes concerns related with effectiveness of his leadership amongst certain citizens who vote during elections.

In contrast, he emphasized on his wealth of experience as well as steadfastness towards a few American core values such as virtue, integrity and impartiality.

Although there is some age factor involved in voting, I believe that qualifications and values come first.

Biden’s State of the Union Address, in general, was a speech that I thought was very thoughtful and compelling.

He covered various important issues relating to our nation while outlining his future vision. While opinions may differ on certain policies, I think that it is very essential for our leaders to move towards resolving them in ways that help every American.


what's an "assault weapon" and what percent of murders are they used in?


Let me give you a simple explanation of what I mean by assault weapons

Semi-automatic firearms that have features such as detachable magazines, pistol grips, or adjustable stocks are usually known as “assault weapons”. Their potential for mass shootings and their perceived lethality often make them the subject of gun control debates.

Different sources use different definitions of assault weapons; therefore the percentage of homicides involving them differs. Still, most research suggests that assault weapons are used in a small number of all murders; this is unlike handguns which are more popularly employed by criminals.

When it comes to statistics but also beyond these figures, this discussion is about how the presence of assault rifles in neighborhoods and towns ultimately fits into a larger tapestry of dialogues on preventing gun violence. This intricacy means that various factors including public safety, individual freedoms and societal well-being must be taken into account before any decision is made on this matter.


"assault weapon" is a pejorative term used by gun grabbers and anti liberty types frequently but none of them are able to define it consistently. Do you know that the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban defined which weapons were "assault rifles" by having Dianne Feinstein sit down with a picture book full of rifles and picking which ones she thought were "assault rifles"?
In many cases the same gun with wood stocks is not an assault rifle as when it has plastic stocks! Does the material the stocks are made from make it more deadly?
No one has any actual figures on "assault rifles" because it's a made up and vague term but the FBI does classify "rifles" as a separate category that includes all rifles including ones with scary plastic stocks.

Rifles of all types are used in fewer homicides than hands and feet or blunt objects. Hands and feet are more deadly than "assault rifles" because they are so rarely used in crimes. So if all rifles disappeared overnight it wouldn't significantly reduce the number of homicides, in fact it wouldn't reduce them at all, wouldn't the people who used rifles just use pistols instead like some of the most successful mass shooters have done?
In fact rifles enhance safety in neighborhoods and towns. In addition to being essential tools for pest control and hunting.
So if we ban them there is zero benefit but many harms.

In America we had an assault weapons ban for a decade, it utterly failed to achieve any of it's goals.
Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same things over and expecting different results? Maybe Joe just forgot we already tried it and it failed?
You know what they did achieve? The ban caused Americans to run out and buy millions and millions of AR-15s, several times as many as had been previously sold in the weapons 40 year history at the time.


Wow, you seem to know a lot about your stuff which is very good. When it comes to weapons, in my honest opinion, the material or stock used in manufacturing doesn't matter as long as it is a threat to human life.🤔


firearms themselves are not a threat to human life any more than a hammer or a bat is, in fact "assault rifles" and rifles of all types are used less frequently to kill Americans than things like hammers or bats. You should ask yourself why Biden is going after a class of weapons that takes the fewest number of lives statistically. Wouldn't it make more sense to go after a class of weapons used in 95%+ of shootings than one used in less than 1%?
So obviously they don't have good motives and are lying when they claim that somehow that could lead to a significant reduction in "gun violence", another pejorative misnomer, gun's aren't violent, people are. The anti gun folks lie constantly. What they really want is to disarm law abiding citizens because none of their laws affect criminals and only restrict and criminalize legal users. The only reason to disarm law abiding people who don't commit crimes is so that you can kill them more easily. Did you know that statistically citizens with concealed carry permits commit violent crimes at a rate that is a tiny fraction of the rate of violent crimes committed by actual police officers?


Damn I never knew that statistics. You mean to tell me that cops kill more than that percentage of law abiding people that have firearms.

I really have to rethink all of this😳😳 thanks a lot for the enlightenment buddy
