Annoying Ads - The Advertisements We Love to Hate

I'll be fair though, I'm a business minded person and I believe ads are a great way to monetize online Businesses but sometimes it gets really crazy.

All the more reasons why I'm kinda sticking to Hive until the world figures out how to make ads look like TikTok videos.


You know what really drives me insane friends? Those annoying advertisements that emerge everywhere, invading my territory and ruining my days.

Seriously, where can one hide from them if not Hive? They seem to be there around every bend, waiting like vultures to grab me and make me focus on their contents.

First of all, online ads deserve a mention. You know the ones I mean. They basically trail you across the internet like a dogged fly.

You once go to a site to look at shoes and next thing you know those shoes are following you on every other website. I wonder how they engineer that kinda system though.

It’s like they are mocking me whispering “Buy me, buy me” wherever I go.

  • And infact, do not let me get started on those autoplay video ads that jingle into my ears without warning.”

I’m trying to read an article in peace, and next thing I know, I’m being bombarded with noise about the latest miracle weight loss pill or some newfangled gadget I never knew I needed.

It is not only the online advertisements that are driving me insane, but also the ones on television. You know, those commercials that seem to last forever and run on a loop during every commercial break.

I’ve lost count of how many times I have had to bear with the same vehicle insurance advert or fast food song while my program returns from break. As for those infomercials which guarantee solving all your problems with just one easy installment of $19.99? Yeah right.

Moreover, let us not forget about adverts that occupy my mailbox on daily basis.

I mean, seriously, I can’t even check my mail without being bombarded by flyers, coupons and credit card applications.

They act as if they want to suffocate me with paper so that I give in and spend my hard-earned money on whatever they are selling.

But you can really say the truth of the matter is that it is those subtle content-embedded product placements.

You’re there watching your favorite YouTuber or scrolling through your Instagram feed and then all of a sudden, you realize that what you thought was an innocent post is actually a cleverly disguised sponsored ad for some product.

It’s like they want me to buy things without even knowing.

So, what should one do in a world overrun with annoying ads? First off, I try to ignore them as much as possible. During TV commercials, I press mute; my browser has an ad-blocker installed and I throw away junk mail flyers instantly just to mention but a few.

And whenever all else doesn’t work out, I remember that I’m not alone in being irritated, there are millions of others who feel the same way.

Here’s to all those irritating ads out there, may they someday catch on and leave us alone. Until then, whenever there’s a chance, I’ll keep complaining and ranting about it.

I guess I'm staying on Hive till I guess forever.
