[ENG/ESP] The Importance of Treating Employees Well as an Entrepreneur or Business Owner. // La importancia de tratar bien a los empleados como empresario o propietario de un negocio.


One thing that is certain about you as an entrepreneur or a business owner is that you are supposed to treat your workers or employees well to ensure the life of your business. When you, as a boss in the line of business, make life so complicated for your employees', I am quite sure the life of your business cannot go anywhere because they are the ones meeting different people every day, and the way you treat them will be what return you get. Most of the time, whenever I am able to go to my boss's place, who is an entrepreneur, I so much cherish what he does with his employees.

I went there one morning, and I met him in his supermarket, trying to ask about the future of his workers. They spoke at length most of the time because I asked if that is the way he does it and if his workers could testify to it. Sometimes, when coming to work, he will go to the market and buy something's he feels his workers need. This will serve as motivation for them because they will end up treating your business the way you treated them.

Some entrepreneurs do not believe in this because they believe they pay their workers, and it is their right to work for the money they earn. But one thing I feel is that this kind of person loses his manners of approach. There are ways to do things and reasons to do them. These guys you call your workers because you say they can wake up one morning and decide not to work again. Then what will be your gain?


You alone cannot face the stress of managing a business because you have to attend to a lot of customers in a day. A little motivation can sometimes go a long way in the lives of our workers, and you must make them know you really want to do it and not make them feel obligated to whatever you are doing because it's a matter of choice. I am not saying doing this is a bad idea, nor am I supporting it, but one thing I am sure of is that one good turn deserves another. Whatever you do today, it will speak to you tomorrow.

There was a time I was working on the poultry farm, where the poultry owner worked elsewhere and had the poultry as a side hustle. The husband is a cool and calm person, but the wife on the other side is not. So he talks to me about the reasons I am doing their job, and slots of questions and motivations kept coming. I was motivated to want to do more even when I am not the one who owns the business, and because of this, I don't do well.


Most people you say you are working for to will get a better job if they have their chances with other people, and they will do well compared to whatever they have done with you before. We should not think of those working for us as slaves, either because they are working for us or because you are paying them. Payment doors do not mean you own their life and future. Table turns: think and do things rightly before you get it wrong. Just a little motivation could save your life, and it can save the life of an employee as well.


Una cosa que es segura acerca de usted como empresario o propietario de un negocio es que se supone que debe tratar bien a sus trabajadores o empleados para garantizar la vida de su negocio. Cuando usted, como jefe en el rubro, le hace la vida tan complicada a sus empleados, estoy seguro de que la vida de su negocio no puede ir a ninguna parte porque son ellos los que conocen a personas diferentes cada día, y la forma en que los trata será el retorno que obtengas. La mayoría de las veces, cada vez que puedo ir a casa de mi jefe, que es un empresario, valoro mucho lo que hace con sus empleados.

Fui allí una mañana y lo encontré en su supermercado, tratando de preguntarle sobre el futuro de sus trabajadores. Hablaron largo y tendido la mayor parte del tiempo porque le pregunté si así lo hace y si sus trabajadores podrían dar testimonio de ello. A veces, cuando viene a trabajar, va al mercado y compra algo que cree que sus trabajadores necesitan. Esto les servirá de motivación porque terminarán tratando a su negocio de la misma manera que usted los trató a ellos.

Algunos empresarios no creen en esto porque creen que pagan a sus trabajadores y que tienen derecho a trabajar por el dinero que ganan. Pero una cosa que siento es que este tipo de persona pierde sus modales de abordar. Hay maneras de hacer las cosas y razones para hacerlas. A estos tipos los llamas tus trabajadores porque dices que pueden despertarse una mañana y decidir no volver a trabajar. Entonces ¿cuál será tu ganancia?


No puedes afrontar el estrés de gestionar un negocio solo porque tienes que atender a muchos clientes en un día. Un poco de motivación a veces puede ser de gran ayuda en la vida de nuestros trabajadores, y debes hacerles saber que realmente quieres hacerlo y no hacerlos sentir obligados a lo que sea que estés haciendo porque es una cuestión de elección. No digo que hacer esto sea una mala idea, ni tampoco lo apoyo, pero de una cosa estoy seguro es que un buen acto merece otro. Hagas lo que hagas hoy, te hablará mañana.

Hubo un tiempo en que trabajaba en la granja avícola, donde el dueño de las aves trabajaba en otro lugar y tenía las aves como actividad secundaria. El marido es una persona tranquila y tranquila, pero la esposa del otro lado no lo es. Entonces me habló sobre las razones por las que estoy haciendo su trabajo, y siguieron llegando muchas preguntas y motivaciones. Me motivé a querer hacer más incluso cuando no soy el dueño del negocio y por eso no me va bien.


La mayoría de las personas para las que usted dice que trabaja obtendrán un mejor trabajo si tienen oportunidades con otras personas, y les irá bien en comparación con todo lo que hayan hecho con usted antes. No debemos pensar que quienes trabajan para nosotros son esclavos, ya sea porque trabajan para nosotros o porque les pagas. Las puertas de pago no significan que usted sea dueño de su vida y su futuro. La situación cambia: piensa y haz las cosas bien antes de equivocarte. Un poco de motivación podría salvarle la vida y también puede salvarle la vida a un empleado.


Hi Bro, your words are very accurate; I was an employee for a long time and fortunately I had very good bosses who valued what I did and motivated me, that is no longer easy to achieve because the bosses care more about money and labor is replaceable in any field. I had the opportunity to be a leader, because being a boss is only to command and expect results, the leader beyond that, motivates and generates an ideal working environment for productivity to be the best and I did it in 2 opportunities with small businesses and I did very well.

A boss should be a leader like the one you mention in your writing since he/she should have empathy with his/her workers beyond expecting them to do their job. That is why in the reality we live in and since the pandemic, many of us decided to work on our own and not be accountable to anyone, in order to generate a new way to earn income doing what we like and being our own bosses, I think it is the best thing we can experience.

Very good reflection, I congratulate you for it and I wish you success in your working life 🤜🤛.... You Rockkk!!! 👍😎🔥❤️


Thanks brother, this is a good one and also a nice move which you took. It's not easy when you try to become a boss of your own but it's not a journey of a day. One have to keep trying untill you get a better result. Thanks for commenting brother.


Good morning @the-lead. I share with you that respect for the other is fundamental in any relationship and in labor relations it is this respect that can generate a climate of harmony that will be reflected in the progress of our enterprise.

Thank you for sharing your reflections in the community.

Buenos días @the-lead. Comparto contigo que el respeto al otro es fundamental en cualquier relación y en las relaciones laborales es este respeto el que puede generar un clima de armonía que se reflejará en el progreso de nuestro emprendimiento.

Gracias por compartir en la comunidad tus reflexiones.


You are welcome ma'am. Also, you are very correct I must say and I agree with your point.

De nada señora. Además, debo decir que tienes mucha razón y estoy de acuerdo con tu punto.


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