🎏 {11/04/24} ✦ There's a cosplayer hiding in plain sight 👀: "Tomodachi White Day 6" 👘 🍫 🎈 (16-04-24) ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸

✦ After many years I was finally able to attend a convention without cosplay! It was nice to spend a day in the crowd enjoying the tents and watching the contests. I did a lot of shopping for Sanrio merchandise and met new and old friends. Many thanks to Tomodachi Events for making these conventions so beautiful in the city 👑 ✨ - Cover edited with Fotojet, photos by @Tesmoforia ✦

🇪🇸 ~ Desde 2023 en conjunto con mi grupo de amigas otaku de toda la vida, estábamos en busca de un evento manganime en el calendario que pudiéramos pasar todas juntas y recorrer "como en los viejos tiempos" (eventos por allá entre 2005 y 2012); es complicado encontrar una fecha en la que todas estemos libres al mismo tiempo (ya sabes, la edad, los compromisos con el hogar y el trabajo, etc), sumado a eso, usualmente soy convocada como jurado para Concursos Cosplay o como "especial guest", así que esto se hacia un poco complicado (pasar un evento en Cosplay significa dedicarte al público y dar tu 100% con toda tu atención y mejor actitud).
🇺🇸 ~ Since 2023 together with my group of lifelong otaku friends, we were looking for a manganime event in the calendar that we could all spend together and go "like in the old days" (events between 2005 and 2012); it's complicated to find a date where we all are free at the same time (you know, age, home and work commitments, etc), added to that, I'm usually summoned as a judge for Cosplay Contests or as a "special guest", so this was getting a little complicated (spending an event in Cosplay means dedicating yourself to the public and giving your 100% with all your attention and best attitude).

Felizmente para el mes de marzo de este año, se celebró en Maracaibo (Zulia) la sexta edición de "Tomodachi White Day"; pudimos lograr la reunión, aunque algunas no pudieron asistir, fue un día muy entretenido. Es lindo asistir a eventos de civil (sin cosplay), especialmente cuando eres un otaku de larga data y que empieza a sufrir accesos de nostalgia como es mi caso: Así que busca tu cafecito, relájate, y disfruta este recorrido de 35 collages a través de una de las convenciones más queridas en el estado Zulia 🥰 💖
Happily for the month of March this year, was held in Maracaibo (Zulia) the sixth edition of "Tomodachi White Day"; we were able to achieve the meeting, although some could not attend, it was a very entertaining day. It's nice to attend civilian events (without cosplay), especially when you are a long-time otaku and you start to suffer from nostalgia attacks as is my case: So get your cafecito, relax, and enjoy this tour of 35 collages through one of the most beloved conventions in the state of Zulia 🥰 💖

✦ I had chosen to wear super comfortable clothes but a friend told me I looked like a Korean idol trying to go unnoticed. My indignant face in the first picture says it all xD in the end I changed the skirt for a pair of jeans ✦

✦ That day the president of the republic and the attorney general were in town for the elections, so there were a lot of police on the streets. We were stopped on our way to the event and it was very uncomfortable because it was terribly hot ✦

✦ When we arrived at the event we had to go to the bathroom first to clean up and freshen up, I had to change my t-shirt. I'm sorry if I didn't greet properly when I arrived at the site but I was too embarrassed to hug or greet without cleaning up first :( ✦

✦ Now fresh for the event! ✦

✦ The first cosplayer I found was this beautiful Aziraphale from "Good Omens"! ✦

✦ And this super adorable Link cosplayer was very well done ✦

✦ The entrance to the event was very comfortable, as we arrived after noon there was no long line ✦

✦ We got through super fast because the staff recognized us and gave us free tickets! Thank you so much to the staff, who have always been so helpful. And as always the publicity for this edition was very nice! ✦

✦ The entrance to the event was packed with people shopping and browsing the tents ✦

✦ In the distance I saw a photo booth free for everyone ✦

✦ This Belle cosplayer owned one of the stores and was super nice and cute! ✦

✦ From the beginning there were cosplayers around the event. I liked this Chain Sawman ✦

✦ Here we went to look for the organizers and the host to say hello 💗 ✦

✦ There was very nice merchandise and of all prices, with little you could buy a lot and good ✦

✦ She was my favorite cosplayer of the whole event! She was very well done and had a great attitude! ✦


✦ The bracelet tickets of this edition were a beautiful deep pink ✦

✦ A subtle cameo by the main organizer! I really liked the "control center" this time hahaha. They were having a charades contest ✦


✦ More charades contest, the host was super funny, the community loves her very much, she had a beautiful Kimetsu No Yaiba cosplay... AND I'M LOOKING AT YOU HUA CHENG BEAUTIFUL ✦

✦ More travel in search of nice goods ✦

✦ MagicalShop is a reliable store! If you want to purchase merchandise with a safe person you can find them on Instagram! Her owner "Are" was looking very cute with a TokyoMewMew cosplay ✦

✦ The event was filled to the brim with stores right up to the end ✦

✦ My waifu asked me to send her pictures of everything I saw at the event. She fell in love with a large My Melody plush toy and happily went home with me to deliver it a few days later ✦

✦ An artist friend that we love very much brought us these pieces of Mokona, it's nice when you can get another CLAMP fan these days. And how beautiful this Genshin Impact cosplayer! ✦

✦ We moved around a lot for the event and I was starving. When you are 14 or 15 and you go to events you spend the whole day without eating but come on, when you grow up you get the tension down hahaha ✦

✦ I think this is the strangest birthday gift I've ever received but I loved it! A box full of painkillers and meds xD I have a history of chronic pain since I was young so well, it was a well received joke among friends ✦

✦ When the tide of the event went down a little we could go to the photo area and found several fellow cosplayers and friends, all were very beautiful, I was very happy for them, I wish them all the success in the world! ✦

✦ I was so happy, it was a precious day ✦

✦ I MANAGED TO CATCH THE BEAUTIFUL HUA CHENG. ON THE OUTSIDE I LOOK CALM BUT INSIDE I'M SCREAMING... I LOVE HER! (and she also has a user here on Hive! It's @NurcyCos) That day she was working with the Movilnet E team, they did a great job! ✦

✦ When I worked with this company last year this palette stayed in the Capital, Nury was so kind to lend it to me to take pictures, thank you very much Nury linda! I always see this paddle in the advertisements and event reports that follow throughout the country, I didn't know it in person! ✦

✦ Didos is a national artist with enormous talent, great musician, beautiful human being. I finally got to meet him in person and he really exceeded my expectations, he has a very beautiful aura ✦

✦ I was able to take some pictures as we were saying goodbye to the event. As there were so many police on the streets it was better to go back home before nightfall ✦

✦ The venue of the event was very nice. I had a wonderful time, although I would have liked to stay a little longer. And that, that's the face of a Mino after touring an event like in the old days (my feet hurt hahaha the years don't pass in vain!) ✦

Este es uno de los eventos a los que siempre procuro asistir desde 2022. Si bien en este momento el calendario de eventos a nivel nacional esta repleto, TOEV (Tomodachi Events) siempre tiene eventos con este ambiente familiar, entretenido y seguro.
This is one of the events that I always try to attend since 2022. Although at this time the calendar of events nationwide is full, TOEV (Tomodachi Events) always has events with this family friendly, entertaining and safe atmosphere.
Llevo algunos meses meditando sobre que debo tener mucho cuidado a qué clase de eventos asisto y apoyo. Si, nadie es perfecto, pero he aprendido que no solo se trata de no juzgar a los demas, de ser empático y ponerte en los zapatos del otros, he aprendido que tambien es importante cuidar tu energía y a veces, una cordial distancia de los proyectos sospechosos es saludable.
I have been meditating for a few months now that I should be very careful about what kind of events I attend and support. Yes, no one is perfect, but I have learned that not only is it about not judging others, being empathetic and putting yourself in other people's shoes, I have learned that it is also important to watch your energy and sometimes, a cordial distance from suspicious projects is healthy.
Si visitas la ciudad de Maracaibo, checa la cuenta oficial del evento y ojala puedas asistir a algunas de sus ediciones. ¡Ya anunciaron fecha para la Tomodachi Bunkasai 3! 🏮 🎉
If you visit the city of Maracaibo, check the event's official account and hopefully you will be able to attend some of its editions. They have already announced the date for Tomodachi Bunkasai 3! 🏮 🎉
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✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
🚨 ¡Please do not take, edit or republish my material without my permission! 🚨
💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? [email protected] 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares
Lindo post! Me divertí mucho ese día 🦥💖
Sí lo fue u//w//u 🎏
Y pronto shega el Bunkasai 3 🏮 🏮 🏮