🧿 {17/01/25} ✦ "What you need, what you want, and what works" 🎧 🪬 🌌 ✦ 🇪🇸 │ 🇺🇸
✦ I found a wonderful thing! A little machine that makes mooncakes! MY GOD, I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO MAKE MOONCAKES! - Collage & Edition in FotoJet, photos by @Tesmoforia ✦
🇪🇸 ~ Según "google" los moldes de silicón que utilizamos para hornear sirven para hacer figuras de resina epoxy. ¿Tengo manera de comprobarlo?, todavía no, pero la opción de comprar algunos moldes directamente me gusta más que pedirlos por Amazon.
A finales de 2024 visité "Mango Bajito" del Sambil Maracaibo y las opciones para escoger superó mis expectativas; en el camino me distraje mucho porque mi lado "señora" se ha activado finalmente y las secciones de artículos para el hogar son un peligro para mis ahorros (ಠ o ಠ) 💸 (la tentación de cobertores y cortinas nuevas es too much) ~
! [PUSH WITH YOUR PAW TO READ IN ENGLISH!] 🇺🇸 ~ According to "google" the silicone molds we use for baking can be used to make epoxy resin figures. Do I have a way to check it out?, not yet, but I like the option of buying some molds directly rather than ordering them through Amazon.
At the end of 2024 I visited "Mango Bajito" at Sambil Maracaibo and the options to choose from exceeded my expectations; on the way I got very distracted because my "lady" side has finally activated and the housewares sections are a danger to my savings (ಠ o ಠ) 💸 (the temptation of new bedspreads and curtains is too much) ~
Tengo mucha información pendiente por confirmar, por ejemplo si estos moldes de cocina necesitan un tratamiento previo, algún spray especial, ser engrasados, si la tintura que le pondré a la mezcla va a manchar el molde, o simplemente cómo evitar que la resina epoxi se queda atorada para siempre en ellos.
Mientras caminaba por un laberinto de cosas lindas (y algunas no tan lindas con un extraño sobre precio) pensaba sobre todas estas cosas y lo poco o nada que comparto ahora ideas como estas en voz alta; las personas no siempre tienen un sentido de posibilidad o proyección acerca de estos proyectos creativos y yo veo posibilidades que ya no quiero compartir y exponer a la desestimación.
Si yo pienso en cómo hacer funcionar algo, no lo sé, a alguien mas se le ocurre que es buena idea traer a la mesa todas las maneras en que lo que deseo hacer no funcionará, de nuevo, no se por qué, si es un extraño gusto morboso por ser innecesariamente cruel o la manifestación del disgusto que les produce que alguien tenga ideas que a ellos jamás se les hubiera ocurrido... incluso temo que he notado el odio que genera en algunas personas ver a otros entusiasmados por algo (un proyecto, una meta, una idea, un logro), como si no hubiera suficiente luz y espacio en el stage para todos.
! [PUSH WITH YOUR PAW TO READ IN ENGLISH!] I still have a lot of information to confirm, such as whether these kitchen molds need pre-treatment, a special spray, to be greased, whether the dye I'm going to put in the mix will stain the mold, or simply how to keep the epoxy from getting stuck in them forever.
As I walked through a maze of pretty things (and some not so pretty with a strange overpricing) I thought about all these things and how little or no ideas like these I share out loud now; people don't always have a sense of possibility or projection about these creative projects and I see possibilities I no longer want to share and expose to dismissal.
When I think about how to make something work, I don't know, someone else thinks it's a good idea to bring up all the ways in which what I want to do won't work, again I don't know why, whether it's a strange morbid taste for being unnecessarily cruel or a manifestation of their disgust that someone has ideas they've never thought of... I'm afraid I've even noticed the hatred some people feel when they see others enthusiastic about something (a project, a goal, an idea, an achievement), as if there wasn't enough light and space on the stage for everyone.
Para muchos es muy fácil hablar y hacerse juicios sobre la envidia pero a los que nunca la hemos experimentado es un terreno incómodo, como lo es intentar hablar de algo que no has sentido, qué miedo me da caer en la prepotencia y las suposiciones, y yo, ay, yo odio dilatar los temas, odio perder el tiempo en imaginar cosas o escenarios que no existen (malos o pesimistas digo) porque tu cerebro no diferencia tus vivencias de lo que fantaseas.
Aun así los gurús de internet, unos mejores que otros, unos mas o menos creíbles, dicen cosas que cobran sentido si lo piensas con calma: Que el envidioso no envidia lo que tienes sino lo que eres, cómo hablas, cómo caminas, cómo piensas, cómo tratas a los demás y eres tratado a cambio, el amor que das y el amor que recibes, cómo te presentas al mundo, tu alegría, tu plenitud, tu personalidad...
A las personas que no conocemos la envidia y nos alegra la dicha ajena, nos duele ser foco de ese sentimiento, porque lo cierto es que no haces las cosas, ni eres como eres para que otros te envidien, por el contrario se siente terrible ser objeto de envidias porque el envidioso no es precisamente alguien discreto, es alguien que tomara acciones en menor o mayor medida para lastimarte directa o indirectamente y de maneras que jamás imaginarías.
En ese panorama: ¿Cómo no te cohíbes de ser tu mismo y cómo combates el impulso de hacer el minimo posible para no llamar la atención?, sobre todo si tienes stalkers en toda regla detrás de ti o personas que constantemente te preguntan qué estas haciendo (solo para tener la oportunidad de responderte, sin importar lo que sea que digas, que eso no va a funcionar, que tiene algo malo, o tener ellos la oportunidad de tergiversar tu proyecto y buscar la forma de que gire en torno a ellos, aunque ellos no tengan nada que ver).
! [PUSH WITH YOUR PAW TO READ IN ENGLISH!] For many it is very easy to talk about envy and to make judgments, but for those who have never experienced it, it is an uncomfortable terrain, as it is to try to talk about something you have not felt, I am afraid of falling into arrogance and assumptions, and I, alas, I hate to extend the issues, I hate wasting time imagining things or scenarios that do not exist (bad or pessimistic I say) because your brain does not distinguish your experiences from what you fantasize.
Nevertheless, the Internet gurus, some better than others, some more or less credible, say things that make sense if you think about it calmly: The envious person does not envy what you have, but what you are, how you speak, how you walk, how you think, how you treat others and are treated in return, the love you give and receive, how you present yourself to the world, your joy, your abundance, your personality...
For those of us who don't know envy and are happy for the happiness of others, it hurts to be the focus of this feeling, because the truth is that you don't do things or be the way you are for others to envy you, on the contrary, it feels terrible to be the object of envy, because the envious person is not exactly someone who is discreet, it is someone who will take actions to a lesser or greater extent to hurt you directly or indirectly and in ways you could never imagine.
In this scenario, how do you not shy away from being yourself and how do you fight the urge to do as little as possible so as not to attract attention, especially when you have full-blown stalkers behind you or people who constantly ask you what you are doing (just to have the opportunity to answer you, no matter what you say, that it is not going to work, that there is something wrong with it, or to give them the opportunity to twist your project and find a way to make it revolve around them, even if they have nothing to do with it)?
Con los años ganas sabiduría y con ella vienen soluciones prácticas, sin filosofar demasiado y sin creerte mejor persona por eso ni pretender dar lecciones morales a otros:
Para mi funciona la discreción, planifico mis proyectos, los hago, y guardo para mi los resultados, comparto el fruto de ese esfuerzo con mis seres queridos y rápidamente paso la página a la siguiente aventura.
Nota que resalta la palabra "funciona", no "la opción que me gustaría". La opción que más me gustaría es ser absolutamente expresiva en todo de nuevo, pero en 2024 aprendí que me hace falta algo así como una tribu, que en términos realistas sí la tengo, son amigos y personas que admiro distribuidas alrededor del mundo.
Pero la pandemia cambio mucho de las dinámicas sociales y hay tantas cosas que aun se estan ajustando, tratando de asentarse y encontrar su lugar.
! [PUSH WITH YOUR PAW TO READ IN ENGLISH!] Over the years you gain wisdom and with it practical solutions, without philosophizing too much and without thinking you are a better person for it or pretending to give moral lessons to others:
For me, discretion works, I plan my projects, I do them, and I keep the results to myself, I share the fruits of those efforts with my loved ones, and I quickly turn the page to the next adventure.
Notice the word "works", not "the option I would like". The option I'd most like to have is to be absolutely expressive in everything again, but in 2024 I learned that I need something like a tribe, which realistically I have, it's friends and people I admire scattered around the world.
But the pandemic changed so much of the social dynamics and there are so many things that are still adjusting, trying to settle in and find their place.
✦ In the end, I didn't buy as many molds as I expected, only 1 or 2 seemed to work for what I need, but literally, they will be a sacrifice with no guarantee of good results ✦
✦ By the way, the first 15 days of January have been wonderful, so don't misunderstand this note, I'm not sad, I just wanted to chat a bit about a reminder I make to myself and sometimes forget, that there are people who don't need a reason to do terrible things, and also people with serious psychological problems, where their perception of reality is altered, where any bright, beautiful, happy or talented person becomes their obsession and worst enemy, and that's their problem, not yours. So keep shining, don't tell everything about yourself, and don't give second chances to mentally disturbed people (compulsive liars, narcissists, envious people), they won't change, you can't cure them ✦
✨ 🍓 All texts and images by @Tesmoforia 🍓 ✨
📸 Tools: Smartphone 📲 Snow 🎬 Remini 🌓 FotoJet 📐
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💌 ¿Do you wish to contact me? Discord #tesmoforia 💌
🌙 Banner, signature and separators by Keili Lares
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