Quit Saying, "That's Just Who I Am."
Your identity is not rigid. It can be ever changing and flexible. We are not set in stone or metal. We can evolve differently and still be happy. Sometimes, you wonder why there's no excitement or why your life is not different and that's maybe because you refuse to think differently, you refuse to be permeable or evolve.
“You say you don't know anyone at the party, so you won't go. You have been heartbroken, so you won't love. You say you don't like beans, so you won't eat it.” All these are your choices, of course but you need to know that your personality is not set in stone. You might see yourself as someone who can't read or write or cook or play an instrument or be happy but the lucky thing is that it is not ingrained. You just see yourself that way. It's not your identity. It's only a choice. You can choose to change this choice and learn how to read or write or whatever you set out to do.
Break up with faulty patterns of thinking, reacting and behaving that is holding you back. Learn to do something different. Break out of your daily routine. Free up your schedule and fit something out of the box into this space. Learn something new, play something new, talk to someone who is not your friend or acquaintance. Think of a hobby that you have never tried before. Step out of your comfort zone sometimes and just try something new. You will come to discover that your identity is way deeper than all the details on the surface and all these details are just preferences and choices and you can change them anytime you like. If it is essential for you to start all over again in creating a new identity, then by all means, do so. Your identity is permeable, not rigid.
This reminds me of one of the laws on the 48 Laws of Power book, Be Like Water. Sometimes, it stems from irrational fear that we subconsciously embrace a fixed mindset and use it as a default mode of operation. Unless we step out of the cage, we'll always believe that the cage is the universe.