RE: I wouldn't have made it this far without you
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I'm glad my small gift has enriched my life and my desire for a simple life had eased your burden. Hopefully I can find a way to help more people through Hive. As promised my post "Path to the Garden of Eden: Fools Errand or path to a better life" is ready in its rough draft. I've uploaded it to you as a PDF as requested.
I'm pretty much ashamed to have burdened you with my dream. It has been keeping me away at night and generally been nagging at me to get it finished. However, at over 16,000 words and 117 minute read I will remember your words to me.
People on Hive don't like long posts.
And this post is a long one even by my standards.
Hopefully together with the Hive we can do even more in the future and I'm glad you have wonderful people to thank in this post.
I was going to write my letter of thanks through the Hive Leanrers post but my time got eaten up elsewhere. However while it won't make it to the main hive I'd like to thank you for being the co conspirator on getting #Earn Spend Give moving. I'd like to thank @jjmusa2004 for his post condemning Western countries for telling Nigeria to be sustainable without providing money or a realistic pathway. I hope he gets to read this as my humble approach to answer that. I'd also like to thank him for being generally awesome. Finally @dlmmqb for his support when I was frustrated with figuring things out and of the ESG community plus #hivepakistan as well.... and if he's reading this post : I told you I have a long article...if you have someone to look it over let me know :)
What can I say but THANK GOD, HIVE and YOU sir!
I would gladly pick a pen to jot my points from the long read since it is aimed to better lives. Even if it's a life that is improved, that's enough victory for me and you I guess.
Thank you once again sir
I've sent a 36 page PDF to Monica. She can send it to you or if you want to share your discord I can send it directly. Or I tried to send directly... maybe it will make it to you 😀
Thank you sir, would go through it
Wow, I have got everyone emotional here. You are not bothering me with your dreams at all. I have had a similar vision to become a helping hand for others, remember I once told you that I wanted an orphanage a place I would take care of people.
This is all a part of it and maybe a greater calling.
Grace caused us to cross path and I will give this my best.
I will take take to enjoy reading through your dreams just like I have enjoyed reading Irish novels in the past
I'm quite certain the Irish novels would be far more interesting. I'm kind of a dry read. However, maybe its not quite so boring when you can enjoy seeing a foreigners viewpoint for a pathway forward. Maybe you will see it as silly or naieve but know that I did what I could to put my heart into the words.
When you read about the Workshop/Hive Hideout it may not be an orphanage but I certainly hope it becomes inviting to youth.
When I was young I would have nowhere to go after school. I'd wander around the town waiting for my mom to get off work. I spent many hours in the library reading books and magazines, occassionally even watching movies. While it wasn't fun not having a place to be I think I learned a lot from that time. If I can be a small part of giving others that same experience I had I think it will be worthwhile.
Anything to assist mankind and in any way will be interesting and worth reading. I totally understand what you went through remember that we are all coming from a humble background.
I mention it only because every piece of the plan contains a little piece of my history in it. I was going to add that connection but..... well, it was already long enough :)
Okay since you can't write that here
Can you consider writing a book about yourself just like the religious books we read. Your life story may contain the inspiration someone may need to know that the can start from a low state in life and make their way up.
Since you have the desire to write you can just to pen down little chapter daily until the book gets published later in life.
The PDF you sent me may not be able to contain all you need to say but the book can takes as more pages and words.
Think about this.