Playing the victim card

Are we all Playing the victim card?

This is an article written for the #juneinleo writing prompt series with today being Day 3 ....

Catch the original announcement in this thread

Day 3 ! Let's talk about a had topic, victimization. This is a kind of feeling on mentality than can be very dangerous. Have you seen it?

Have you felt it? What can cause a person to develop a victim mentality even when nothing is being done to them? Is there cases where it's understandable?

June 2024 We are living in trying times

I have the pleasure (normally) of living in or visiting 69 countries all over the globe from Scotland to Spain, from Algeria to Australia and 65 other countries in between.

I have been caught up in civil wars and hot spot local altercations but never in all my years have I seen a year in which the year is so close to a meltdown as we are seeing right now playing out in front of our eyes.

Victims are all over Social Media

I do wonder if different countries have different meanings when it comes to Victims and Victimisation.

So to clarify what I mean and what this post will refer to are ...

Wait wait wait , a bit about me first ...

I was a projects manager in the oil and gas industries, sometimes I would manage design phases and sometimes construction phases. These were performed by two very different type of people. The office person and the outdoors construction person. It necessitated excellent people management skills. My Masters was in knowledge management and part of this was learning the human psyche!

Tengo the psychiatrist you might say ....

Back to some definitions ...

  • Victimisation is when someone is treated less favourably as a result of being involved with a discrimination or harassment complaint.
    source 1 acas arbitration website

  • Victim - someone or something that has been hurt, damaged, or killed or has suffered, either because of the actions of someone or something else, or because of illness or chance
    source 2 Cambridge English dictionary

  • A person who plays the victim actively manipulates others by attention-seeking, inflicting guilt, and evading accountability.
    source 3 Psychology Today

There is one other term I shall throw into the pot and that is Drama Queen!

Okay so those are the definitions we or rather I shall be working with in this post... Do you agree with them?

Social media and indeed the MSM (main stream media) seem to want us as either far left or far right in our views, there is nothing in between... What happened to all the sensible people that can see all sides of a problem?

Infact why does everything come with a label, do we have to be generalised and herded into little fluffing boxes with labels on them?

I guess this is one reason I like web3... we have not been invaded by what was termed the PC brigade (Political correctness) of course it has another word now....

I am listener

I have been called Uncle Ed ever since the age of 23 I took charge of a drawing office overseas where most people were in their 40s and 50s. They all brought me their troubles. I learnt all about victim then!

People love to open to me, I listen, rarely judge but give some fantastic head nodding and advice (apparently)!

I think the word empathy gets bandied about too much, I have sympathy with people, I have empathy, do I feel for genuine victims, of course I fluffing do!

But as the old saying goes...

You can't out bullshit a bullshiter!

and I can bullshit anyone... In Ireland they have a competition called nurdling... it is when you tell a lie and get people to believe it, or you tell the truth but people think it is a lie.

My father won the all Ireland Nurdling championships three years in a row.

I call it bullshiting but I can get the vast majority of people to believe anything!

I have worked in war torn countries, I have seen real victims, I have also seen real poverty. People who through no fault of their own are victims. They are no fault of their own have no house no food etc. Yes I feel for them.

The genuine victims are not playing a victim card, they are fluffing victims.

Why then do so many people play the victim?

Or pull out the victim card as I call it?

Lots of people are attention seekers, this to me is where the term drama queen comes into play. They cause drama, they suck people in.. It is all negative bollocks...

I abhor negativity and remove it/them from my life. Family and friends I have removed, if it is going to bring me down then it is gone. Being positive is the mental health I need and those around me are positive people, but we are realists too....

Often when people are failing they will blame other people.

They are denied this or denied that, it is our fault they cannot succeed, it is our fault they spend their rent money gambling. So the majority get punished by the minority playing the victim card.

Attention seekers really get on my tits, but what ever floats their boat.

Real victims get my supports

People playing the victim card for no reason can GTF!

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative.

You can find all the details in this thread

Todays prompt is Day 3 ! Let's talk about a had topic, victimization. This is a kind of feeling on mentality than can be very dangerous. Have you seen it?

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on pixlr .com from a prompt by me.

## **
### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo June 3rd 2024

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wow you've traveled wide, 69+ countries, that's a fluffy number.

The drama queens, I have them all around me, always crying more than the bereaved. The ones who play the victims are the worse set of people to mingle with. They're toxic.


They are toxic....oh you hit the nail on the head, yes they are! Not a place you want to be at.


Hello @tengolotodo.leo

We are glad to have you in our community. 💗

You hit the nail on the head with this post and the way many people think. In all honesty you have to admit that some people simply want to get attention. And, as you express in your content, the real victims can still count on our support, and discerning this will help us avoid unnecessary burdens and direct our efforts to those who really need it.🌹

Have you been able to visit our post about the community healing account and how to support it? We invite you to visit it and consider if you want to support it in either of the two ways described. 😉

Thank you for your love and support 🌞
