The Silent Patient


I rarely come across a psychological thriller that manages to grip me from start to finish, but this book by Alex Michaelides did just that. This book is like a perfectly crafted puzzle with every piece intricately placed, leading to a jaw-dropping conclusion that I honestly didn’t see coming. If you’re into slow-burn mysteries with a heavy dose of psychological tension, you’ll find this book difficult to put down.


The story revolves around Alicia Berenson, a famous painter who seems to have it all; an impressive career, a beautiful home and a loving husband, Gabriel. But things take a dark turn when Alicia is found standing over her husband’s body after shooting him five times in the face. She never speaks another word after that, becoming “the silent patient.”

Then there's Theo Faber, a forensic psychotherapist with his own troubled past. He becomes obsessed with Alicia’s case and is determined to make her speak again. Theo takes a job at the psychiatric facility where Alicia is held, convinced that if he can just unravel the mystery of her silence, he’ll discover the truth behind Gabriel’s murder. As Theo digs deeper into Alicia’s past, what he finds reveals much more than he bargained for, including his own demons.

I'll tell you in all honesty that this book was a roller coaster of emotions. It's filled with vivid description of events and I couldn't help but put it down a few times to slowly digest everything.

The Silent Patient is a psychological thriller that plays with your mind and keeps you questioning everything from the very first page. Alex Michaelides does a fantastic job at crafting a suspenseful narrative that builds slowly but surely, with tension simmering underneath each chapter.

One thing that truly stands out is the dual narrative. We get Theo’s perspective as he tries to break through Alicia’s silence, but we also get Alicia’s diary entries, which add a layer of intrigue. These entries are the breadcrumbs that lead us closer to understanding her motives and every time one is revealed, it feels like a small piece of the puzzle falling into place. But let me tell you, just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, BAM, the rug is pulled right out from under you.


I'd like to talk about Theo for a second. I don’t know if I’ve ever been so conflicted about a protagonist. He’s flawed, that’s for sure and while I appreciated his determination, I also couldn’t help but question some of his decisions. There were moments where I thought, “Theo, buddy, take a step back and look at your own life before you go trying to fix someone else’s.” But, as the layers of his character are peeled back, it becomes clear why he’s so fixated on Alicia. His obsession felt borderline unhealthy at times but I suppose that’s part of what makes him a compelling character.

Now, onto the criticism (and I promise, it’s gentle). The pacing in the middle section of the book can be a bit slow. It’s like you’re walking through a fog, unsure of where the story is heading. While the slow buildup ultimately pays off in the end, I did find myself occasionally wishing for a little more action or revelation along the way. But then again, Michaelides was likely lulling us into a false sense of security before delivering the knockout punch.

And speaking of the ending, trust me when I say, it’s brilliant. It’s one of those rare twists that doesn’t feel cheap or thrown in for shock value. Once all the pieces come together, you can’t help but look back at earlier chapters and realize how skillfully the clues were hidden in plain sight. It’s the kind of twist that made me want to reread the book immediately, just to appreciate how everything was laid out.

Final Thoughts?

This book is a masterclass in psychological tension, with an ending that will leave you stunned. It’s a book that makes you question the reliability of every character, including the narrator and keeps you guessing right until the last page. If you’re a fan of thrillers with a strong psychological bent, this one’s definitely worth your time. It's a book with a twist that's bound to linger in your mind long after you've close the book.


Reminds me so much of Verity by Colleen Hoover. I am so adding this book down!


Yeah. True. How could I have forgotten that? Lol. You should read this Dera. It's just as lovely. <3


I already downloaded it lol. Immediately. No time to check time


😂😂😂. Love that for you.


Looks like what Verity by Colleen Hoover was trying to do but in a more finessed, actually gripping way. Adds to readlist immediately.
Thank you for sharing, Teknon.🌺


Yeah, Verity was gripping but I like this one more. You should read it Tess. Thanks for stopping by ml☺️


When I read that she stood over her husband's body, after shooting him, I got the creeps. There's no way I'm not adding this to my endless TBR list. I think I've come across the cover somewhere. I might even have it in my e-library. I'm definitely reading this. An amazing review you've written there. Trust me when I say this.


Oh dear, I'm excited you found this one interesting enough to add to your TBR. And thank you so much for the compliment. You're such a sweetheart.


I'm curious about the premise of this book. Thank you so much for recommending it. I will look for it so I can read it. Cheers!✨


It's a great book that hooks you from beginning to end. Check it out. 💙
