me maintaining steeze

My first year in the university was nice until sophomore year when a tyrant was crowned Dean of Student's Affairs. Ever since this man took up this position, he's been moving mad, setting up crazy rules and shitty regulations that even his daughters/sons at home don't live by.

His rules came with lots of side effects which included embarrassment/assaulting of students. The Student Union Government which was once occupied with people who actually knew their rights is now filled with a bunch of puppets who'd rather live as cowards than speak up and die heroes. They're scared of losing their seats and are also scared of being arrested for having a voice.


I was once embarrassed at the school's gate for wearing a jean that had a little rip at the knee area. The harassment was uncalled for and when a bigger boy tried defending me, the security officer hit him in the face. He couldn't raise a finger because he stood a chance of losing his studentship if he dared. Plus, there were more of them than there were of him.

What infuriates me the most is that this Dean has been in the business of sexually assaulting female students each time they were at his office to report an issue especially when it related to hostels discomfort. And to cover up for his bullshit he implemented the rule of not wearing shorts to school with claims that it would help reduce the amount of rape on campus but that's absolute bullshit.

One time, these girls ganged up to protest, peacefully, but guess what? He called the police on them and bullets went flying around while he ran home to safety.


Now, it's that time of the school year again where new people should be voted into SUG positions but students are fed up. We're saying enough is enough! We no longer need puppets. Puppets who can't speak for us when our voices are dying out. We need people who'd actually stick to the agenda on their manifestos.

Everyone woke up this morning to see a message that was sent to the VC and its content was that of a serious threat. The VC had two options; one, to bring down the Dean, two, let the Dean stay and watch him and the school burn to ashes.

To be honest I was more than excited as most of the threats were targeted at the tyrant of a Dean. I wanted him beaten to a pulp and some of my acquaintances said I was an ass for wanting such. Note, we've all had our fair share of his Hitler behavior but they feel they're too righteous to think of him being beaten to a pulp when on the flip side he wouldn't give two fs if it were Us.

Upon seeing the mind-blowing threats, guess what they did? Lol. They hired almost all the forces in the state to guard the school and didn't let anyone pass through the gate without having an ID on. I thought they weren't scared of anything after calling the threats ”mere”.

By the way, after today those force men will no longer be there and I'm pretty sure what'll hit the Dean will come when he least expects it. As for the VC, I've got no beef with him as he's not always in our faces. That Dean be biting more than he can chew and I want him to lose a tooth so bad. At this point I don't care if I'm being mean. It is what it is!

PS: I don't support violence but silence doesn't change anything.



I love me dose of violence in the evening 😂😂

You need pitchforks and torches.

Send 2 HBD and get them delivered by your hostel at dawn 🌚🔥



Send 2 HBD and get them delivered by your hostel at dawn

NO! (Eyes you a lot)


Let your eyes rest ooo😂😂😂


Oh no!

It’s not a funny thing but I laughed because you want him to lose a tooth🤣
I understand that violence doesn’t solve anything but I mean we both know what our leaders understand best in this place we call Africa


Gbam! Someone that gets it.😂😂😂. Thanks ml.


It’s really sad that there’s corruption of this scale at places but when someone in a leadership position terrorizes people, it sadly takes a bit to get rid of them. Hopefully you will eventually be able to get rid of this one!


I pray we get rid of him too. Thank you.
