Volkswagen O9G Valvebody Teardown And Rebuild


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

Another One For The Fun!

Okay well whoever bought that I do appreciate your outlook on life! Don't get me wrong I love doing these but what I don 't love is the absolute tediousness of it! BUT OKAY! We wont be bitching about the tediousness of it today! At-least not a great deal!

Now this is going to be a lucky packet at best! At best!

I have to say I can't see any steel mixed up in between the clutch linings... So might be we get a real good lucky packet today!


This one is going to keep me real busy! It's a valve body from a O9G it's a Volkswagen transmission!


I Say It Because I Know!

Yeahp the truth is that I've never done one of these at all but I do know that they'll have a bunch of stuff that can fall out of place on the inside! A BUNCH OF THEM!

Now I say this because there are three layers to this valve body and a lot of work will go into cleaning this and there is no room for error! Which means I am going to take this slow and steady so that I can see where the balls and small stuff will drop out of!

Trust me, keep an eye because they'll catch you off-guard like nothing ever seen!


Before We Split!

Well I could start tearing this one down but heck it's going to be a pain to bite through that irratating clutch dust caught up in the oil! It makes like the brakes and clutches do on vehicles! It powders up and then it's a mess!

I decided to give this thing an entire scrub before we dive deep into it!


Fast Forward A Couple Of Bolts!

Okay so I decided to stack it out like in the picture! I didn't have a lot of space to work with today since bossman was building the transmission next to me! Had to deal with what was given!

So I decided on taking section for section, clean and wash it out and then move on to the next! As I cleaned it I semi re-assembled it as well because of the lack of space and I didn't want all those small parts gutting out everywhere! It would have been a huge problem!

Fortunately I have some idea for what I'm doing and that helped a lot!


Spot Without Error!

See what I mean? One can barely see the small retainers and stuff with all the dirty oil inside! It's a hot mess sometimes!

I even missed a small goon that's sunked into a chamber and if I didn't tip it around for the oil to spil out I'd have never even known about it! A Hot mess!


Those small pistons have springs underneath them as well ey!


What I Meant!

This is what I meant when I said I'll be cleaning section for section! I don't want anything mixed up here because then I've got to pull out a manual and that's even more tedious than just focusing on what you're doing!

Hella laughs!

This took some time to finish up and I didn't think it would work at first but I did manage to tail everything and get a move on with the job!
The cleaning is a real mess though! Those clutch linings don't just fall out! They stick real bad!


Cleaned And Ready To Spit Fire!

Now at least this part is fairly quick going! Especially if everything is all cleaned up!

Yes with automatics you have to deep clean everything! Absolutely everything! Even the piston drums and all that! It's what is needed and most people skip out on the drums especially! That's a problem if you ask me!

A big problem if the transmission got some steel in the oil! That steel works in at every angle and you can't get it out unless you teardown to the bone!

Now to assemble it! It'll be a quicky no doubt!


A Present For Bossman!
I think this one he will surely like! He has to right? It looks all shiney! Oh bollocks he wont like it!


Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Doing this job really requires a lot of patience, but you seem to have it and that's a good thing. I just look at your photos and it looks like a maze, but what a joy to see that you are so dedicated to your work.
