The Underlying Truth.

Authored by @Technicalside


Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!

I've gotten something sweet today, well sweet is probably an overstatement, rather something nice to look at while working on it. Now I have to say I do a lot of these vehicles but none of them carry such a beautifull colour with it and neither are any of them ever manual transmissions. I think the last Volkswagen manual transmission I had to work on was well over a year ago, I can almost not believe it myself hey!

Okay Okay, I know most people have no fancy for this colour! As for myself I do quite like the colour of gold, ALOT!

Laughs well the love for the car isn't really there but the colour combined with the silver mags now that is something!

Oh and what a nice touch with that towing hook strap hanging out the front end right! Well you can't really hook it up there laughs its just there to look pretty and pretty it is!


Well Shit!

This engine bay is surely dirty as hell, now if I drove a neat car like this I'd clean it every other day. Am I going crazy or does that look like a foot print on the airbox in the middle?

Okay well at-least the motor isn't grimed up with oil and mud, that... that is something I hate deeply!

Well I suppose we need to dig into this one, it has a clutch failure issue. It came in last week and funny enough I drove it into the yard and such and when I wanted to pull it out of the yard it had absolutely no clutch left what so ever. 🤣

Funny how life works.


Now I've done manuals before but not this specific one, but my experience with Volkswagen manual builds are on a very good note. I have absolutely no quarrels with these vehicles, especially when they are somewhat maintained! This is one of those, not a spec of oil to be seen anywhere and what I like even more is that these transmissions aren't hard to pull and neither do they take up much time.

Volkswagen really out did themselves by keeping the manual builds as simple as it gets. This is also an upgrade from a very very very old transmission, they look hasn't really changed all that much.


I know this might look like a whole big mess! But I can't even begin to explain how much space I have to work with over here!

Just a few things to unbolt and we can drop down to the underside of the vehicle.

Wow thinking about how this must look to a non car person, must be a hectic sight to behold. 🤣


Well let's make it fun for someone that might be interested! Can you spot the difference between the top and bottom? I bet a few might be able to, it's like playing with Lego's, tear it down and build it up.


As I was tearing down this beauty of a vehicle I noticed something... well something that we all do and that is braking real hard! Now it's very clear to me that the previous owner of this car loved his racing, both brake discs are burned blue, only partially but burned is burned.

Now this comes into play later on you'll see!

Just interesting to be able to see the details in how the car was treated. That right there is how a technician knows if a car was abused or not..


I wonder I wonder what happened over here, no clutch on the pedal and no leak on the slave or master cylinder? So it all clearly points to a clutch failure but there is no burnt clutch dust covering the entirety of the bell-housing. What ever might be the problem but this bell-housing was cleaned recently.


Taking a closer look at the clutch after removing the transmission, it was clear that the clutch was no more, ripped at the very seams.

Now there is one of two ways this can go, one this guy is very lucky and only the clutch is buggered, two he is unlucky and his dual mass fly-wheel just got bonkered with it... I have to add that his fly-wheel is a great deal more expensive than just the average type.

A whole lot more.


Now this is something that you don't see everyday, that's a fact!

I think I've seen it twice before, but then again sooner or later I'm bound to see even worse than all of those combined. 😂 Sooner or later.

Oh and I made a huge mistake picking up that piece of carbon fibre powder riddled clutch. The moment I touched my arm after that it started itching! It's really that hectic, always wear safety around those they can sting the lungs over time!


It would seem like this is one of those lucky situations which only the inside of the actual clutch, facing towards the pressure plate was exposed to metal on metal surface. The fly-wheel side seemed to be a okay, not but that's begs the question whether the springs on the dual mass would hold up if a replacement wasn't done. It's all a tricky ball game, always.

It surely all boils down to the client, guarantee or no.



Dated 04/05/2023

Take note this is not a how to guide, merely myself talking about the work I do and my thoughts around certain things.

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Does Mr racer have the money to fix his car! Lol!

You can see what happened... He is most likely going to replace the car with a new one. Shame. That was a nice car..I bet the engine computer data will show further abuse. That clutch was designed for the Autobahn...


Haha funnily enough we haven't even discussed a price with the bloak and he was already on edge😂😂.. But I don't think it was him, he bought the car on 100k Km and it's now on 108k. He doesn't look like a racer but the clutch plate is warped so I am assuming it wasn't lined up and they pulled the transmission into place with the bolts, and ended up bending the plate.



What do you mean you can't dump the clutch and feed it throttle every corner with a heel-toe?
