The Best Of The Three: Drag Racing In Forza 5 Horizon!

Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Now I have to admit I spent a great deal of time on the game where I didn't record and in that time I did a whole bunch of the seasonal objectives that gives away points to gain drops they have, special drops if I may!

I did manage to grab myself a Koenigsegg there when I reached the 20 points mark! Only downside is that it's a 2006 model, that isn't all that great! Unfortunately I wont be reaching 40 anytime soon so no use in even trying laughs! No use at all!

For now I decided to do one of the out of town drag strip which I do assume is some abandoned airport or something of the likes!

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There I was gunning down the road to my 4.6 mile destination cutting through the barriers like a madman in my A45 AMG! Oh guys what a beastly little thing that one is!

I can't even begin to describe!

So the plan originally was to run just one drag race and have it called but then I thought why not make it a best of three!

Why not?

The result will certainly shock you!

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The First Race.

Well as always I won, I always win! Heh Laughs! Just joking!

I decided to go down with the 2017 Ford Focus RS! It was the first in my recommendation and after all I was going to be hitting a couple!

The lap time with the Ford was 18.095 seconds! Not bad at all, although there is always room for improvement!

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The Second Race.

Now this time I decided to go with the 2013 A45 Mercedes Benz AWD the one I originally intended to race with down the drag strip!

This is where it gets salty! If you watch the second race you'll notice that I might have screwed around a little because I was in the lead by a lot! Although that did almost cost me to lose, almost!

My time with the A45 was 18.147 not bad considering I lost a lot of time! Not that much but enough to make a noticeable difference!

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The Third Race

For the third one I decided to go in with something special! Well something I won rather. The 2006 Koenigsegg CCX Still special in a way though but with that said it still managed to disappoint me some!

This is where the dissapointment hits! I did a 17.951 second run in the Koenigsegg! Do yourself a favour and read that again!

Still something nice to have, I just have to at-least end with that!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

Dated 16/01/2024

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


i wanna play FH5 tooo


You can grab if for free if you have the xbox game pass! It's like 10 usd a month for xbox game pass.

Great game by the way!


I know it's a great game...

maybe try the game pass thing, thank u.
