The Beach Of Ancient Things! One Amazing Journey!
For The Adventure Seekers!
Stilbaai Holiday Adventures!
The StilBaai Adventures!
Oh now on this day we made memories! Wild memories with wild people! It's a shame that I don't get more photos of us the people experiencing these moments! Quite sad I would say but what can a man do if he forgets because he is too busy experiencing the moment itself!
StilBaai itself is quite the drive away from where we stayed, but with that said also not too far to go through for the day! And that is what we seek powerful adventures that makes memories cling in the head!
The only reason we went through was to share the day with loving people and while sharing it with loving people, we also decided to snack it away properly since it was after all Christmas! RIGHT!
Not going to even lie! I ate myself phat like a little pot bellied pig! I just could not help myself!
It was a day to remember and most of it was partially due to the food!
The Real Deal Adventures!
Oh I wont even lie with this one! That is really what I came for! The ancient fishing pools of the Khoi people many moons ago!
Heck we think we had fishing all sorted out! Nah those bush people of the years back they had it figured out! They caught fish without actually doing any real effort!
Yeahp! The tide did the work and that was all their was to it!
Let's see if we can't spot some of there ancient fish pool traps!
The beach here really has absolutely amazing views! The photos obviously doesn't do any justice at all right! Nope!
The magnificent feeling of climbing out over that ridge with the sea being exposed more and more with each step! Now that is something from a wildfire novel! Oh it's beautifull!
The Beach Adventures!
Now this is a thing!
A thing for me! To cross the beaches wandering like a lost soul to pick up literally everything that gives me some sort of interest!
YeahP I swear it can be poisonous and I'd likely still pick it up! Well for what it is worth at-least I can say that I had a full life! Okay that is if I do die at an old age!
The Fish Pond Traps!
Okay so you can't exactly see these very clearly on the photos and neither is it actually low tide yet!
But we are going to work with the time that we were given right! So finding some high ground really revealed some of the ponds, not overly much aswell and not enough to be seen on the photos either!
But you can check more on this here.
So instead of hunting madly for something we wont ever really be able to see! Well not given the current circumstances of being cloudy and all that! But what we do have is a lot of beauty clinging to almost everything around us!
What do we do with beautifull things if we can't take them with us? We make some good memories with it yeahp!
The Black Rock!
Okay so this is one of the rocks I brought back home! Now this begs the question as to why I am galavanting rocks around the country! Well it's simple I really want a Bonzai tree but one that I grow from seed! I want to start my own Bonzai, not buy one from someone!
So the purpose of this black rock is to fit it right next to my white rock and then I can have a yin and yang Bonzai tree! It would look real Japanese like right!
Absolutely can't wait for that!
Weird And Natural Oddities!
Whelp yeahp!
That is what I like to do ey! I like to ramage around and find stuff that might look cool on photos! Random stuff lying around the beach which is most likely plant life or small sea critters! The cool thing is that they make for good shots!
That is if the camera you are using is up for the task of it! Now the new phone I got will really take some balling good photos!
Me and the Betty deciding to grab a selfie because we tend to always forget that!
Not sure why I took this photo, can't really remember why I took every photo I took but this does have some fancy stuff about it!
What I love about this one is the soft ripples crossing over the water! It looks absolutely breathtakingly beautifull! I just want to push my fingers in through the water!
A star shell almost swallowed up by the sand and waves! It wont be long now until it forever fades from memory!
The CrackShot!
Oh damn I love this shot! Even if I have to say so myself! This is really one hell of a cool picture!
Glad I had a good phone back then! Super glad I did!!
Anyways! What makes it stand out for me is the sheer amount of rocks covering the beach and they look so crisp and clear! What adds to that beauty is the water seeping through the rocks and stuff! Jaw droppingly beautifull!
This abandoned chair actually gave me a saddening feeling! A really saddening feeling!
It's almost as if the chair has been abandoned for some time now! Of-course it's the weather bashing it most of the time and that's why it looks the way it does! But imagine how many love stories were made on this bench! Or how many were broken?
Eerie stuff thinking about something so deeply!
Some more oddities!
Whale poop from what I have heard!
I don't think this one is whale poop though!
The Fish Traps!
So I found these photos of the fish traps being exposed quite decently!
They aren't yet fully exposed here but I think the tide is busy rising here, but I am not at all certain as to what is what!
One thing I can say is that at-least we can see some parts of it right!
This one exposed quite nicely! I think you might even be able to catch a few fish if you really tried!
I didn't see any fish but I'm sure back in the day they must have thrown something in that attracted the fish!
Well I took quite a few of them from different angles and different heights! I'm sure most would see the way the traps are laid out!
Enjoy the photos!
The Beach Of Shells!
This is actually a light tale of horror!
Walking on this beach isn't hard persay but walking on it barefoot for a long time can be a tricky thing if you ask me!
These broken up sea shells have sharp pointy edges and for a long exposed period of time they start to hurt your feet if treading on them! Now can you just think how many thousands of shells had to be battered up for this beach to look like this? To top it off this is just one beach in this country of ours and just one beach in a world full of beaches!
The Rocky View!
Damn I love taking pictures of rocks on the beach and stuff! I think the glaze of the water shining over them makes them look a great deal better! A GREAT DEAL SO!
It's in these rocky fortresses where the coolest things can be seen!
Like this Hermit crab!
I was so damn childish when I saw this thing for the first time! They really are cute! Beyond cute! This little guy was so scared because we picked him up, we didn't bother him for too long but damn was he cute!
Almost like he had a personality on him! That was wild!
Now this might be the tiniest turbo I have ever seen in my life! Laughs yeah me and the Betty call them turbos!
_The only reason for that is because they look like turbos!_w

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[//]:# ([//]:# (!worldmappin -34.39606 lat 21.41280 long The Ancient Fish Traps Adventures! d3scr))
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Very beautiful beach, I really like it ❤️
This is truly a very beautiful place, my friend.
@technicalside, I'm refunding 1.399 HIVE and 0.000 HBD, because there are no comments to reward.