Guanajuato At Midnight: A Failure Is What It Was

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Work Ahead For Me!

Now this goes without saying! I have work ahead of me!

Look at all those unfinished quests! This is hectic! Okay most of the times I can't even finish half of them but this time I have to try my best! I really want that Durango!

Now what I do like about this weeks contest is that there are a great bunch of Audi's up for the win! I already bought my new favourite but now I need to win some!
Let's get to the racing tracks!

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Another Run In My New Favourite!

Okay fine I wont be racing it all the time! But I will sure as hell be doing the most in it! But I can't hit all the races in it, It just doesn't work like that xD!

Now I can race to every race with it am I right? I think so? Well I need to get some work done on it but I really want to have a good sit down and run through everything with it I want a proper build on it this time around!

As for now let's gun to get one of those weekly challenges done with!
Mind you I didn't win that one and when it's not a win it's not a prize grabbing ending!

Bleak ey!

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Well One Thing Is Clear!

If I ever own one of these chances are that I might write it off! Laughs!

Without a doubt I'd like to pedal to the metal everywhere I go! That much is certain!
Okay perhaps not I wont really pedal to the metal everywhere but I might gun it a lot but then again it has some nice braking power and it's an AWD sooooo perhaps!

The other thing is I don't think anyone in my town even drives one xD I've seen a bunch of Audi A6's but very little!

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This Might Not Be For Me!

Whelp this was a crappy one to say the least! Really!

I just can't seem to drive in these narrow slitted streets! It fucks me up totally to put it plain... perhaps because I'm not that great of a driver or perhaps I don't like braking that much or perhaps I just don't have the right build for this! I don't think I do I'll need to switch it up a little!

To say the least I didn't win this race and therefor I couldn't tick something off the playlist! I did however try a few times more but to no avail...

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So Far Behind!

By mid race I was so far behind I could barely see the bloaks on my minimap! Laughs

I knew this before I started! The thing is you need to gain ground before going out in the open country side and gaining ground on those damned streets is a bitch! Really it is!

But the thing is I don't have the right build so I'll have a sit down today and to some major peaking to specific cars that I need to race with! It's going to be major fun!

Until the next time peeps! I'm out!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!

To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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