Ghost Recon BreakPoint: Finding A Way Off The Island.

Authored by @Technicalside

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Strap It In!

It's about to get real wild up near "The Old Distillery Lake!"

I have to find a way off this island, I have to reach the aircraft carrier from which we were sent! Getting help to this island is off the highest priority!

It's someways off but apparently there is a chopper waiting for me outside, I could grab that and be off this island but nah the game wants me to grab a boat!

But let's run it for the story line ey guys!

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It's Beautifull!

Okay I know it doesn't look that great in the videos I share of it but from my point of view it does look better! I can only think if one plays this game on a high end pc build! You'll have a blast of a time!

Every looks so crisp in the game but then again most new games have that tendency on me! For most out there this is nothing compared to other titles but I'll find a moment to enjoy it all!

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Heck They Weren't Lying!

They really did give me a chopper to fly with! Now this is some real cracking stuff!

I wonder how hard the laptop is going to be working once I jump in that helicopter and everything has to render immediately!

Let's see what happens!

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Oh Hell Yeah! Let's Go Bomb Stuff!

Okay well this one doesn't actually have a weapons system on it but it's a hell of a joy to fly with it! It's a lot like flying in DayZ but just easier, the technique is the same though!

I did notice the video lags a bit but that's most likely because of the demand on my RAM, I think? Running the game and recording on just an 8gb? Can be a little straining right?
Other than that I think the environment looks great from up here in the clouds! You can see quite far away and it's really really well done!

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No Guns At The Dock?

That feels wrong, it feels oddly suspicious?

How can this dock not be patrolled like all the rest that is located on this island? Every inch is being walked on but not this dock? Something schetchy is about to happen I can feel it!

Let's see what rumbles up! There's a few civilians wandering about and loading stuff onto boats but no guns for what I can tell, except mine own.

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I Decided to clear out the tower as well, just incase there might have been a sniper hiding up there somewhere!

That wasn't at all a bad move since I scored some "Skell Credits" in the process as well, it was a win, I also got a better view of the docks before engaging with the civilians, heck I don't know how they'll react with me walking with guns in there!

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They got a little anxious at my presence but damn I'm glad that no one of them decided to pull a weapon out!

There was some exchange of words and what happened but not enough to know what's going on, this man had no idea what took down my helicopter, even though he is a SkellTech employee himself. Now all he wants is to get off this island like every other able bodied person on it!

It's getting more tense by the minute but the worst is yet to come!

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So it came again!

That must be what took down my chopper? Or rather all of that, that makes up a swarm of drones or droids by the looks of it!

What the hell could chop up a ship to the point of explosion in mere seconds? It would seem that nothing gets on or off this island! Not anymore at-least!

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Oh But Of-Course!

Laughs! I had to have expected this!

Once they knew a ship was leaving they were bound to send out men to come and cover up and mop the floor with any survivors that might have made it ashore!

Little did they know that there was a gun waiting for them and it distributed accurate lead pills to any who would ask of it!

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They'd Want To Try This Again!

Perhaps this time they didn't think to meet any resistance at all, well the civilians just stood there like they already died! Heck!

I had to gun my way out of this one but I barely dug into my ammo supply! These guys are trained yes but they over extend too fast and end up exposing themselves!

Time to get back to Rohewan!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!


To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

If you found this entertaining or educational please consider a re-blog and up-vote.

Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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Connecting the people of #HIVE across South Africa. #hive


I never thought Ghost Recon would have such fantastic graphics. I didn't check the gameplay video but from the screenshots, I can say this one has a good story.


So far the story is quite captivating, I have to say that the game is a little glitchy every now and then but it remains a real attractive one in terms of the story line.

I just wonder if the game requires a decent amount if gamestory time!!
