Finally Something New But Weird!
Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
Not So New But New To Me!
Now this is something different!
I suppose people out there have seen these types of things I am certain of it but remember the new stuff don't break away and when they do it's under warranty so they get replaced.
It's only until a few years later that one gets to open up those things that was once fancy!
Now the thing for me isn't the newness of it but rather the total shift in how things are done!
I've never seen something like this, okay one can argue that it might be very similar to a cvt transmission but it's not! Not at all!
One thing that sure as hell will stay the same is the filter that's pressed in between the casings!
That much wont differ!
A Odd Little Thing!
Now I can say it looks like a lot of things! But one thing that it really looks like is a transfer case! Heckk it looks a lot like a damned transfer case! I swear I can take that chain out of there and put it into a transfer case and have it running smooth as hell!
The question for me is who designs these things!? I'm not complaining at all I think this is so much more simpler than most transmissions! Not a lot that can go wrong hey?
Well there is but everything looks almost solid! Okay I know it did break but the break in this one was just a piston that broke... pistons are generally strong but it must have been some freak thing that broke it!
Can Metal Be Beautifull!
It sure as hell can for one that works with it!
It's a funny thing for us techies and why we don't know I suppose we all have things that makes our clocks tick right? Well here is the thing!
Whenever I see something that peeks into me I call bossman and whenever bossman sees something that ticks him he calls me.
As I said! It's a really weird thing but something that we admire! Now this is something that we admired, okay me a little more than bossman because bossman has seen this before! But I haven't!
This is almost like a mix between a great bunch of transmissions, I tell you these things are getting bastered out! All the cars these days!
A Variety In Bolts!
Most people wont even notice it but they are making these things way to easy to work on nowadays!
If you have the pits for it!
The bolts needed to be removed in order to remove the pump setup is different from those that are needed to be removed when tearing the pump apart are totally different!
I remember times where all of them looked exactly the same except for the length of them! Oh those were the good old days! I'm somewhat glad they don't build valve-bodies that way anymore though, those are a cracking slep!
I should have shined a light on it but there's a piece of the piston drum caught up in the magnet on the filter! Okay I have to say that I do not think the client would fix this!
We also noticed that the transmission has gotten water inside it, might be why it collapsed!
This without a doubt was a fun one to teardown!
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