RE: Scared of and for our future children
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Have been wanting to comment on this for some time but no idea where to do it without getting cancelled, I figured here might be one of the most appropriate (still possible of being cancelled but chances are lower).
How do you convince young people that they are, in fact, capable of rearing successful children?
I have to admit that I'm incompetent at it, and will never be. Most people I came across are incompetent themselves, despite claiming otherwise. It does not matter what their financial background is or whether they can afford it or not. The risk of anything going wrong is too high and most people do not have that kind of risk appetite.
kids will impede your career development, social life and are just so damn expensive at the end of the day.
This is logically true especially to me. For instance whenever something goes wrong (i.e. critical bug with Hive or VSC nodes or the apps that I work on here) that needs my immediate attention I will have to get to it ASAP. Or being able to afford to meet you at HiveFest without thinking too much about other stuff.
I personally believe there is no direct "fix" to this, those who are complaining about it should actually fix what is wrong in this world first. To me this can be simplified to 3 things: financial, healthcare and education systems. BTC (or HIVE or other decentralized altcoins that does not resemble a CBDC) needs to be adopted everywhere in the world. I'm disappointed that in the last 16 years of crypto's existence that this hasn't happen yet. The other two will be easier when we have something that cannot be arbitrarily inflated by a central entity.
Thanks for the insightful comments from your perspective.
I would say that firstly, it takes two people to have kids and you share the load. If you have some urgent tech issue to deal with your wife would help look after the kids.
Second, from a fairly early age kids go to childcare so you do have time to get work done.
Thirdly, you underestimate your capacity. It is not that difficult to look after kids. Feed them, wash them, clothe them, give them some attention and teach them basic life and household tasks. It's not rocket science or tech coding!
It can be gruelling and repetitive sometimes (things I find hard) but the rewards of love from your children are great compensation. There is nothing that is beyond the capacity of the vast majority of young people, including yourself.
You are a talented, impressive and brave young man. The way you spoke at HiveFest despite the language barrier and have made yourself an important part of the Hive Dev community speaks to your courage and resilience.
At the end of the day there is no perfect parenting and no exam. Whatever you do your kids will be screwed up one way or another - but everyone is and that's the beauty of the human race.
The world's problems will never be fixed but the only way you can guide the future direction of the world towards your values is to have children to pass your values onto.
That is a highly optimistic take assuming no highly disruptive event takes place. Divorce risk being at the top as rates have skyrocketed in my country in recent years.
Risk mitigation involves setting up irrevocable trust which is battle-tested in most jurisdictions. But that also means giving up self custody of my crypto to a trustee, and naming someone whom I can trust for this role is a near-impossible task (for now).
Thank you very much, that is an awesome compliment for me to hear. I appreciate your support over the years.
I should hope at least here we'd be safe from that. Besides, even if I disagreed aggressively with your perspective, which I don't, what power have I to say my view is superior or get you cancelled? :) I'm glad you did comment on this, as it's a subject I want to look at from as many perspectives as possible, so thank you.
I definitely feel for what you are saying, but I would also say give yourself more credit. You work in something quite difficult, which automatically implies you're good at problem-solving, smart, and quite resilient. Those are not qualities to be disregarded in a parent (or just a human being!). :)
I think that points to a deeper truth, especially in that a lot of younger generations are being infantilized and led to believe they are unable to face or fix any malfunction in their lives. So what you say about them being risk-averse is probably very true in a way.
That's true also. I wish I could, personally, but to be honest with you, I worry that if we delay tackling the fertility problem until everything is fixed, we risk dying out. So for me on a personal level, the fix is much smaller, i.e. having children and attempting to give them an education reliant on the values that might help us go forward. But I believe we each play our part. I do think there are good people, like yourself, fighting the good fight towards fixing our world on a larger scale :) Contrary to what you said, you strike me as someone quite competent :)
Well others who read my comments who strongly disagree may start downvote wars against me or get me voted out as a witness. My rank has grown significantly lately from rank 90th-100th at the start of the year to rank 27th today, so anything I say will assume more accountability than ever before.
I appreciate your compliments, it made my day 😃
That's a fair concern. Well. I hope you don't get canceled. :)
And congrats on making it so high!