

It is perplexing and frustrating to witness individuals who claim to believe in God but persist in doing whatever they please. They even have their ministries and are proud of it because you will keep on seeing their postings on their social media.

Most of the time I asked myself, what are they doing? Are they mocking God?

Yes, for me it raises questions about the authenticity of their faith and the moral compass they adhere to. While everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and actions, the incongruence between professing faith and acting against it does sow confusion and raise doubts for those observing from the outside most especially the non-believer. The complexities and contradictions of human nature where genuine conviction and personal desires sometimes clash and leave us perplexed.

Most of the time I wonder, are they for real? Are they using God just to get benefits from their churches? Are they not scared of God?

Many believers or Christians persé see a strong connection to God the Father as vital to their spiritual journey. They view faith as a means to establish a personal relationship with God, seeking guidance, support, and comfort through prayer and worship. But they sometimes exaggerated in their faith that they do things that are not pleasant to human eyes and to God's eyes.

Some people emphasize the unconditional love and compassion of God the Father. They believe that actively fostering a connection with Him can lead to a deep sense of love, acceptance, and inner peace. But most of the time their feelings are too confused that they tend to act not according to God's love but their own emotions.

Not everyone may feel a strong or immediate connection to God the Father. Some individuals may experience doubts, and uncertainty, or find it challenging to establish a personal connection and this is influenced by personal circumstances, questioning beliefs, or a feeling of distance from God, but in the end, when God claims us no matter what we are or no matter what we have done, He will work on us and make us His. And maybe this is the reason why some of us do things to please God, even though we fail, we try again until we find it in our hearts that this is what God wants us to do not in an exaggerated way, not based on our own emotions but by God alone.

Ultimately, the nature of one's connection to God the Father is deeply personal and you alone are accountable to it. 🫶❤️

Matthew 9:36
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”
