Technology Tells The Story

When trying to figure out what is going on, we have to follow the technology angle in as many instances as possible.

I like to say if one doesn't understand technology, one doesn't really know what is going on. Here is where the insight garnered from technological trends enters.

For example, over the last year, I spent a lot of time diving into Hollywood and the problem that industry is facing. Search around and there are a lot of reasons given for their struggles. Some of the offerings are COVID19 lockdowns, woke message, bad scripts, strikes or superhero fatigue. While these could certainly be problematic to some, there is a bigger issue at play.

Hollywood is facing disruption because of two technological factors. They are:

  • the breakup of the monopoly on content distribution (due to the Internet)
  • the upcoming abilities of AI

The latter was one of the motivations for the strikes last year. However, never was the first disruption even addressed. The overall result is the fragmentation of entertainment.

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The Autonomous Boom

We are heading towards a boom in automation. If you thought the last 25 years was impressive, just wait.

The entire economy is going to be disrupted and technology is telling the story. We will see massive gains in all industries due to this. We have AI as the brains with the bridge coming from robotics. This connects the digital and physical world.

Consider this point:

At present, the digital world operates as an exponential. Everything advances at a rapid pace. Whether we are dealing with compute via Moore's Law or the CPU doubling, storage, or bandwidth, they all usurp the physical world.

Here is where we will see massive change. Due to the bridge, the physical world will start to move in the direction of the digital. This means that we will see an acceleration.

Let us use the digital world as a baseline of 100. If we say the physical is a 5, it is 1/20th the speed. Due to this, we could see a 5 or 10x. This would give us a result of 25 or 50. It is still slower than the digital realm but the gap closes.

This is the power of robotics. It is going to bring an autonomous boom that is unparalleled in human history.

Massive Abundance

We know how the digital world is abundant. Everything increases at a massive rate. Whenever we see an industry switch to digital, everything changes.

The next decade will see the convergence of some powerful technologies. Even without going into quantum computing or nuclear fusion, two technologies with great uncertainty, we see a lot of change on the horizon.

Information, communication, transportation, and energy could all see transformations. We could also add in healthcare, Big Pharma, construction, along with manufacturing as industries which will be enhanced by these technologies.

As stated in other articles, the amount of AI compute is doubling every 6 months. This means that 2year from nOW, we will be looking at 16x what is used presently. Is it any wonder people went crazy over Nvidia's stock? They are not the only one building in this field.

To fully grasp how things will accelerate, let us look at what AI can be boiled down to. It is basically:

This is a simplified framework to approach this. We know the algorithms companies come up with are only getting better. The compute is exploding. But what about data?

That could be a bottleneck for a while. However, over the next decade, we see a major shift.

Robots are data generators, They also operate in the real world. Hence, the ever changing nature of reality means data can keep growing.

Imagine a robot sitting next to you. What would it see? The same thing you do. What is different is your brain is processing what the eyes see and storing it. Nothing is uploaded.

The robot, on the other hand, is uploading everything. Anything that it senses becomes data. Consider the feedback look this is creating. We will eventually having billions of data generating machines around.

We are entering a time when the stuff we will see might seem like magic as compared to where were even a decade ago.

Technology is eating more of the economy.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Honestly any time I think of this, it's mind blowing and so much advantages is brought to us in general and seeing how things are going it will become a common tech among countries. All I'm trying to see now is not just the good side but the bad, which leads to my action;

What are the possible pitfalls of this tech ?.
We all know humans like ease and such heavy reliance on such is expected is that a good or bad thing ?. Thanks for sharing.


What are the pitfalls of fire?

We can cook food or burn down villages.


Well said, I think we should start preparing fore extinguishers too.


Our world have really been transformed positively by technology which is really a positive thing but one of the things to give concern of or to is the negative side it is capable of offering also


It will continue to be. That is what makes technology one of the keys to economic productivity.

The key is here we see an acceleration.


I agree. Just imagining robots being able to collect data on their own is insane. They can get information in different ways than we are used to. Even just from the air, they can identify the different elements in it, compute the pollution, an make all sorts of other observations.


Just think of all that is fed into your brain throughout the day from all your senses. Robots might not have all of them but it will sight, some kinetic, and have the ability to grasp spatial elements.


Yeah, a lot of things we take for granted can be analyzed better. Maybe we can find more ways to fix a lot of the world's problems.


Technology itself is a storyline with unending episodes .
