Staying Up With AI


There are two choices: Get on board or get run over by the train.

What are we referring to? This is a discussion about artificial intelligence.

Over the last few months, we delved into this topic somewhere. In the future, we will be going deeper. There is nothing more important, in my view, right now with regards to technology than AI. It is going to penetrate most aspects of society.

The only question is how long it takes.

Certainly, we are not going to see everything affected all at once. However, it could be a slowly, slowly, suddenly scenario.

We might wake up one day and realize everything changed. For this reason, it is best to be on the proper side of the curve.

Image generated by Ideogram.

Become An Expert

The starting point is to lay down the intention to become an expert.

Obviously, we are not referring to becoming a coder (that might be a worthless proposition anyway). Instead, we are referring to the idea of focusing intently on what is taking place. No matter what your background, it will be helpful to understand what is taking place.

This means consistent consumption of materials relating to AI. A lot of his is dry stuff yet it is crucial to the future. If we are looking at a seismic shift as so many are forecasting, then being ahead of the rest can only benefit us.

One of the keys seems to be the willingness to play with the tools. We are seeing a lot happening with LLMs, video, and images. Programs such as Sora are truly capturing the imagination of people.

Being an expert means knowing more than most other people. There will be some who are far more advanced. They will never be caught by us. That said, we have a lot more who are not even thinking about this.

Perhaps, before this article, you were one of them.

To me, understanding things from a 5,000 foot view along with the ability to use the tools is the target. I will never be deep in the understanding of the technical aspect of things. That is for people way smarter in that regard than myself.

I can, however, immerse myself in this for a few months, to get ahead of the pack.

The Importance For Web 3.0

While the skills learned could be helpful in a regular job, I think the most opportune aspect is within Web 3.0.

Sam Altman talked about the one person unicorn company with a valuation of $1 billion.

Is that enough motivation to learn what is going on?

Even if we do not step up to that level, learning how to make a fraction of that off AI would be worth our time. This could be aided by blockchain and some of what is being created within the web 3.0 world.

Regularly I cover how the entertainment (media) industry is being seriously disrupted. This is primed for technology since it is not regulated and does not have any safety issues. industries that are heavy in either of those will take longer for technology to penetrate.

That means content creation is going to radically change.

Many of the tools we are seeing were once reserved only for the biggest of companies. There was a major cost along with a significant learning curve. That is no longer the case.

Take the image tied to this article.

I am not a graphic artist. Yet, most of what I include these days is AI generated. While it might not rival the best graphics people, it is sufficient for what I am doing here.

Of course, I will bet that the output ability will only get better with time.

Yet, here is where the crux of the matter enters: can I enhance it by improving my abilities to interact with the software?

While the AI operates on its own improvement curve, I can add one of my own.

Images might not be the area of focus. Regardless of that fact, there is plenty to learn and get caught up to speed on. Here is where everyone has an opportunity.

Will You Take It

From years, I stated my view that Web 3.0 is an opportunity. What this means is that everyone has a chance, yet few are going to take it.

That is what is before each of us.

All of us can get on board. The choice is ours. Naturally, most will punt and do nothing. They are the ones who will get run over.

Things are moving fast. It is probably the most exciting time in history. Innovation is moving ahead at an accelerated rate. From this perspective, things will not slow down.

This means staying up with AI in my opinion.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hi Sir, today you have given us very good information about AI. And I also think that AI has many benefits and also many disadvantages.
Some people use it right and some people also use it wrongly.


I think a lot of white collar jobs are at risk. Most work that can be done on a computer can eventually be replaced by AI. Programmers, digital artists, DBA, etc. Jobs that require physical work and critical thinking can still be safe for a while. Things like system administrators with their servers, network admin, QA, etc. Managers can be a thing of the past soon if there aren't enough employees to handle.


That is true. So what does it mean for people? Also, outside of work, how much of what we are dealing with in our lives is tied to AI?

This is something people are not thinking about.


I agree. And with how much funds big companies are putting in these, I fear the help that people affected by these will be too late. I see the push for UBI will get stronger, but I don't think just giving people handouts and leaving them with nothing to do is going to be good.


It is one thing to have this exciting prospect with us, it is another to gain the best out of it.
Very few are seeing the benefits of AI, because they are not stepping up to it.

If they are, Web3 for example, should be bubbling more than this.


I think having awareness of what's going on with AI and taking action based on that is a great way to be ahead of the curve. To a certain degree, I think the fear of AI taking our jobs is misplaced. AI is actually an opportunity to grow and evolve.


The world is really diving to the world of artificial intelligence and thay is evident. Everyone needs to step up in order not to be left out


I think knowing what’s happening with AI and taking action based on that is a great way to stay ahead of the curve. To some extent, I think the fear of AI taking over our jobs is misplaced. AI is a real opportunity for growth and development.
