LEO In And Not Coming Out


Here is a thread that was posted earlier today that quoted an article I put together.


I wanted to elaborate on this point to explain how vital this is to the LEO platform and the tokenomics. We are seeing a massive shift, akin to Leo Power.

So let us dive right in.

Vehicle currency

LEO is now a vehicle currency. What does this mean?

To best explain it, we look at the number one vehicle currency, the US Dollar. This is the link between all currencies. It is why the USD accounts for 88% of all pairs on the FOREX market and is involved in the overwhelming majority of transactions.

We have to keep in mind that the USD is a medium of exchange while LEO is a value capture token. We will explain that in a second.

When companies want to go from the Australian dollar to Mexican peso, they use the USD. That is the vehicle that carries the value.

How this works is a company Down Under will remit payment through its bank. The Australian dollars are taken from the account. next, the AUD is converted to USD and transmitted through the international system. On the other end, the Mexican bank receives payment and puts the Pesos in the account.

International trade is why central banks have to have US dollars. It needs to offer it to the commercial banks, the ones that do business with companies operating internationally. The Mexican company is not going to accept AUD and the Australians do not have pesos.

The US dollar solves this.

LEO operates in the same manner. To go from any Hive related coin or token, LEO is required. One this is acquired, it is bridged over to Arbitrum, showing up there as LEO. It then is swapped into CACAO before being converted into any outside coin or token.

It is no different than the US dollar in this regard.

Value Capture Token

LEO is a value capture token. This means it is a horrible medium of exchange. Fortunately, LEO is not operating in this manner.

Instead, LEO on Hive (actually Hive-Engine) is simply replaced with LEO on Avalanche. It is a 1:1 move. If one is simply bridging, the aLEO is held in the wallet, the same as LEO on H-E. This does not change.

However, if there is a swap, it is simply swapped for CACAO instantly.

Where this is important is in regards to market supply. There is a fine line between having liquidity and locking the token up. An over abundance of LEO on the market could cause price decline. This can be offset by demand, something that a vehicle currency requires.

LEO Entering And Not Coming Out

The system needs LEO in both the diesel pool on H-E and the LP on Maya. Where it resides will fluctuate as transactions occur.

What I think is essential is the fact that, for the most part, once the LEO enters, it should not leave. While it is not locked up like Leo Power, requiring a power down, it is effectively removed from circulation. That sounds odd when talking about liquidity on the open market.

Let me explain further.

While there is a chance that someone goes through the pools, buys LEO and powers it up, there is a much greater chance the application is used to enter or exit the system. Thus, value is transferring through LEO into something else. It obviously works in both directions.

Essentially, the LEO in the pools is placed there on a semi-permanent basis. Of course, one can remove the stake in either of the pools and move the money elsewhere. That said, if the return is there with growing activity, why would someone pass that up?

The majority of the time, people will not.

Like central banks requiring US dollars so companies in that system can operate internationally, this systems requires LEO in the pools. Anyone wants to use LeoDex is going to have to access LEO. The key to the structure is someone can show up with the coins or tokens that want to be swapped and the system will handle the rest.

To make this work, we have to have LEO available to facilitate the transactions.

This is where the pools enter.

What Is Hive

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is an interesting discussion, and I am able to understand it. I am curious if this will push the price of LEO up. Based on supply and demand, most likely it will. I wonder how it will affect the fees. I haven't used the Swap yet but if Leo gets too high, will people still prefer it over other means?


Over time it should since it is utility. What happens if we get 3 million LEO, as an example, in the pools? What does that do supply on the market in other areas, such as those who want to add more LP. It is access that can create more buy demand over the long term.


I don't understand the need for Leo in Diesel Pools Do you need the pools to swap hive for LEo, to move HIve to Maya. oh... you cannot swap Hive for LEo, Leo exists only on Hive Engine, and Hive exiusts on Hive, only swap.hive exists on hive-engine, so only swap.hive can be swapped to to BItcoin through Leo. Hmmm so are you saying that Hive is swapped to swap hive, swap.hive traded for Leo, Leo traded for arb leo, then arb leo sent to cacaoswap and swapped for cacao, then cacao swapped for bitcoin, then the biotcoin sent to the keystore wallet.So your saying the swap.hive leo pool on tribaldex is needed to provide liquidity for the leo swap.hive swaps in addition to the swap.hive-leo trading pair on hive-engine?



We are dealing with different locations, chains. The Diesel pool allows for any HE token, including swaphive to be turned into Leo where it can be bridged to Arbitrum and swapped for Cacao. From there, it can go to any coin or token Maya carries.


so we are printing more leo to go to the pools?


Not printing as having to put Leo in the pools.


i see o.o but i have mine staked that's not gonna work ; ;


I just love this topic. Leo is here and not leaving anytime soon we all should vote to push Leo pride up.


The comparison of USD to USD as a vehicle currency is interesting. It functions like Hive in the Hive Engine.



This is very interesting analogy.
But why do we need both a swap.hive pool on tribaldex and a swap.hive-leo trading pair on hive-engine?


Tribaldex and HE are the same. They are different front ends. Same with Beeswap.

There is only one diesel pool.


Oh okay, thank you. I don't use Tribadex, only Hive Engine. I will check out the Diesel Pools, I have seen access to them from Splinterlands but only the first four pools were searchable yesterday. I couldn't find the Leo pool. I will try again today, maybe the frontend was malfunctioning in my part of the world. LOL

Does the LEODEX use the Loo-Swap.hive pool to complete the Hive to Bitcoin trades? That would make sense but I don't want to assume anything.
