Web 3.0 Will Take Over Finance Completely
Elon Musk wants to make Twitter the largest financial institution in the word. As someone who watched Musk for years, I believe he will get there, at least in terms of the Web 2.0 world.
There is one problem he faces: he is building within the established system. This is par for the course with people like him since he benefitted to such a great degree. While disruptive, his dismissing of blockchain and cryptocurrency is monumental. Of course, with the purchase of Twitter, he basically relegated himself to a Web 2.0 world.
We are seeing finance, social media and, even, broadcast media changing before our eyes. This is enormous even before we start to mention the transition that gaming will endure. It all could feed into the system that grows exponentially. When something is permissionless, has a lot of open source options, and includes people globally, we can see a realm where the network effect takes things to enormous heights.
Web 3.0 is in the process of laying a foundation that will change many things.
FinTech On Steroids
Those who watch either technology or the financial sector realize how much the former has affected the latter. This is especially true for the banks. While they adopted it to a great degree, there was still an enormous transition.
Consider the mortgage market. We have something that was completely dominated by the banks. However, with the Internet along with smartphones, suddenly applications stepped in. Rocket Mortgage and other entities took over the market. I read that just before COVID, they had a 70% share of mortgage origination.
Another area we see this occurring is with brokerage firms. There was a time, not long ago, where commissions were charged on each stock transactions. With the introduction of the Scottrades of the world, we saw the prices drop as compared to the traditional entities.
A few years ago, the shift was made to zero trading fees. To remain competitive, most had to adopt this. Now people can trade stocks without being charged.
Demonetization is a fact when it comes to technology. FinTech made financial services cheaper (if not free). It also changes the players who are involved in different facets.
Changing Who Creates Money
The banking system is in full control of the money. They are the ones who create it. This can be our currency which, under fractional reserve banking, is handled by the commercial banks. They expand the money supply by making loans. Then we have the Eurodollar system, which is the international financing arm that is responsible for most of global trade. This is totally controlled by the financial institutions, create an array of products that all serve as collateral.
Here we see another realm which is going to be put on steroids. This means that no longer is it the exclusive domain of the banks to create money. Anyone can do it. What makes Web 3.0 so powerful is that, eventually, this will come down to a reputation based system. That means we will see the money creators being people we trust. This will be the subject of an upcoming article.
Once we alter the face of money, everything changes. No longer are we limited by the existing financial system. That is exclusionary with most of the financial institutions operating as gatekeepers. This creates a system filled with friction.
We end up with a system that is more expensive and slower than it needs to be. The original vision of Satoshi Nakamoto was expanded. We now have the ability to penetrate every area of finance and do it in ways that allows people new access to money.
Web 3:0: An Inclusive Financial System
Hive is showing us what is possible.
There is usually one way people get money: they work for it. The majority of the world exchanges time (or services) for money. We see how this can lead to enabling one to have "money making money" yet there has to be some resources first.
With Hive, one has the opportunity to get rewarded for social media activities. Consider for a second how revolutionary that is. People can simply engage in different behaviors, ones that are common across most platforms and start the process of resource acquisition.
Here we see the feeder system. It is a rather simple concept considering how common social media is these days. The major difference is the monetization. Through the process of tokenization, we now see how things are changed. Each activity potentially has a financial component to it.
Of course, once resources are acquired, then we are now dealing with an alternative financial system. Over time, we are likely to see a variety of sectors built out, incorporating these assets into other financial services.
Another way of looking at this is from the asset under management perspective. We know that Blackrock is the leader in this realm with an estimated $10 trillion AUM. How much can there be in the cryptocurrency industry and under Web 3.0.? In other words, how much can decentralized finance (DeFi) create?
Obviously, this is almost 10 times the market capitalization of crypto. However, that will not always be the case. The above mentioned entry via social media can have a profound impact. Suddenly, monetary values are directly tied to network effects. Consider that for a second. We have the ability to increase valuation simply based upon usage.
This is what Web 3.0 is offering. Consider the growth that can take place over the next half decade as projects start to enjoy more users and infrastructure provides more offerings.
All of this, in my view, leads to a time when people will be getting resources through action and able to utilize many different financial services for further gain.
Since much of this is permissionless, as well as open source code, the existing system is going to have a tough time keeping up. That is the difference maker as I see it.
In the end, this is going to take over the entire financial world.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Great post @taskmaster4450.
Very true that technology will take over, but i don't think that it will be generally accepted.
I am a lover of web3.0 and technology, but i don't mean to be negative.
My reasons for making such statement above is that
In my Country, illiteracy rate should be 35%, if not more than. Most of this people don't even use electronic devices. You can't blame them for not being educated, the government are the major factor behind it, which i can not explain in this comment.
Same goes for other countries where Computer and Educational illiteracy is on the high side.
Even if web3.0 goes on to be in circulation, most people won't still have access to it.
In conclusion, i think the government can do alot for the web3.0 eco system, by providing the basic/essential needs for their citizens.
Note - your countries might be advance in tech, but others are very far behind.
It is high time we go back to the drawing, and target the right number of people.
Am not sure if the comment even makes any sense, but i guess i have my point.
There certainly are a lot of differences in terms of technology available. No doubt there are countries left behind. There are almost 5.5 billion people on the internet. That is huge. Of course, that means there are also 2.5 billion who have no internet access.
So it is a game of when things get rolled out. I have a feeling satellite internet is going to answer this in the next decade.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
This is a great post. I agree on the financial potential of Web3. I think it's going to be even better than either of us can imagine.
It will be different than we are forecasting that is for sure. That is how technology works. We can throw ideas out there but the tentacles that unfold and where they go can vary.
After all, who would have guessed one of the major use cases for the Internet was 244 characters.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Ha ha. That's for sure!
Virtually every technology ever invented ends up being used in ways the creator never imagined. Once you make it available to everyone else, you should expect others' ideas to take over.
We already see this happening on Hive and Leofinance. Interesting how these stand out from every other project in crypto. And the most interesting thing is anyone anywhere can participate
That is true. We do see it happening on Hive. This is an advantage we already have. We are building and laying a foundation.
We need to keep spreading things out and getting more people involved.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
I am glad this Elon was not interested in taking over Leofinance, anyway the threads came up only recently, that would not be nice.
You mention about trading platforms with 0 trading fees, they come at a cost. Those platforms have all the details of retailers what is their buy order and sell ordr rate and sell those details to market making hedge funds, who benifit trading against these innocent retailers.
Anyway... Web3 will also have those crony guys but they won't find it all that easy to do front running here I guess...
As for earning money through social media activies, there too its not that easy is it. Engaging, creating engaging content and more... its not for everyone.
LOL Leofinance is so small Elon couldnt find it if he was looking for it.
That said, he is not a Web 3 guy. I dont know why people keep trying to get him to look here. He has no interest.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
Why is he always playing talking about Doge coin then, that's web3 domain.
Most of old traditional finance system is now being questioned... Peeps are waking up, know how the banks are doing business, how they're printing money and all those centralized entities are just taking control and using em.
I agree with your point of view here... Web 3.0 is ahead of it's time like permission less, transparent too!
That transparency is something missing in most of business or web2.. reputation based idea is genuinely exciting.. we have that web 3.0 foundation laid here and it looks strong enough..world need to know it yet.
The traditional system was built of hundreds of years. We have to keep pushing forward and developing. This is how we win.
Speed is in our favor. That is what open source and permissionless do.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
The fact that web3 is inclusionary gives us a glimpse of how big the impact can get. Anyone regardless of their background can participate in the web3 economy, contributing to its growth in many ways.
It is a different approach than what we have seen. Now is the time for the trailblazers to get involved and start building their stake and reputation.
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
It's been fascinating to see what Musk has done with Twitter in such a short time. He's explicitly stated he wants to make it the 'everything' app like WeChat in China which of course includes the financial aspect. All of the new features and the renewed activity on the platform, plus making it much more appealing for content creators is going to push for innovation from the other platforms and that is a great thing.
I think ultimately, Elon will succeed in making Twitter the largest financial player in Web 2.