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Reading the Australian news of late, there have been two conversations that seem to be dominating the narrative concerning violence. The first is the public violence like the Bondi stabbing a couple weeks ago, and the second is domestic violence, especially the killing of women, where apparently one woman is killed every four days. And, on the back of this conversation, a couple other points have been raised - what causes these events, how to stop it, and whether people should be able to have access to seeing it online.



I abhor violence.

But, regardless of what I think about it, it isn't going away. We are a violent species by necessity in the past, and we have continued to be that way because we have chosen to continue to compete against each other, than build with each other. We look to laud control over others, than our ability to help each other be our best. Individualism has separated us even further, rather than helping individuals excel so that they are more valuable, more relevant, more loved by the community in which they reside.

But I digress.

The things that cause these events are wide and varied, and it is a fact that men are often the perpetrators of the violence itself. And while it is easy to blame at the outcome, it is more effective to consider that the problem lies upstream, and the violence is a symptom of other illness. For instance, the Bondi stabbing was performed by a man that may have targeted women, either for some beknown grudge, or they were an easier target. However, he was also a man who had a diagnosis of schizophrenic disorders for over two decades.

Illness or Man; which condition is to blame?

If you remember back at school math and having to "who your working", if we continually look at the end results without understanding the workings behind what leads to the answer, we can't prove what is right or wrong. And if we can't prove it and only work on the assumption that the answer is correct, we open ourselves up to a lot of error.

Assumptions are dangerous.

For a couple of examples, someone asked me the other day how I was celebrating ANZAC day, but it is something I don't celebrate. I am not very patriotic it seems, but why? During the Olympics I am all for flying an Australian flag, but when it comes to the Australian government, I am not a fan. This is probably in part because I was never considered Australian when I lived there. I would get the "where are you from?" question and when I answered, I would get the, "No, where are you really from?" statement. And this was the least of it, and I grew up in a community that was filled with white Australians. For those who grow up in communities that are somewhat segregated based on background, I imagine that their sense of being Australian is even less.

Is it an excuse for violence?

Fuck no!

But it may make up part of the conditions that lead to it. Similarly, for the last three decades or so, men have been positioned as the enemy, as the patriarchy that are inherently evil. This has led to a couple generations where fifty percent of the population have been told that they are bad, because they have testicles. And if you tell someone they are bad often enough, well, they will likely start to act that way. Not all of course, but some.

We are all on a spectrum, which means we all have the propensity to act in a myriad ways at extremes, yet most don't. But when some do, it causes more of the labelling that the rest will also, and the normal distribution shifts further toward the extreme. Then, factor this polarized position across everything that is important, release it into the internet that is driven by clicks, and build mechanisms for "like minds" to gather and silo themselves into the flavor they support, and more extremism happens. Sweeping issues under the carpet, doesn't fix the issue.

I would rather talk with someone who is openly racist, than a closeted bigot.

And, we can see what happens when governments are able to pick and choose what their people are allowed to see. For instance, it has been 35 years since Tiananmen Square, and still Tank Man has no known identity and people are being punished in China if they speak about it. In your opinion, have the strict censorship laws for porn in a lot of Islamic countries diminished sexual aggression, or helped women in those countries?

Repression isn't cure.

And then, factor in the constant economic pressures in society from a global economy that is designed to repress people financially so that a few can gain, increasing cost of living, encroachment from technology to lessen employment opportunity, the many social movements that say that all of us are bad in some way, the isolation of individuals from community, environmental pressures, and many other factors, and it is a cauldron of poison bubbling over, where more and more people are going to snap, causing even more momentum to drag more people over the edge.

My point is with these very few examples, is that there is a lot of complexity in the equations that lead to the outcomes we are seeing, so treating the symptom is never going to lead to the cure. It is going to be a game of whack-a-mole where new expressions of the societal illness will arise. And if we don't move upstream to identify and heal the causes, we will all be lost over time, as we will continue to isolate, fragment, and get increasingly controlled by governments and corporations that will never have the interest of people at heart.

But, it isn't just a societal issue that is up to some authority to fix - as society is made by individuals. It is up to us to be part of the conversations, to recognize the potential for extremism in ourselves, as much as others, and then understand what leads into it, away from it, and how to never get near it. It is up to us to build healthy communities that look to empower people to be their best, in ways that also serve empowering others in the community to be theirs. We all have preferences, yet we needn't punish others that don't fit into what we prefer.

Human complexity is always going to exist, so there is no perfect equation that fits forever. However, we can do a lot better than we have been doing, and we have to stop relying on an authority to make up the rules that they say protect us, when in actual fact, they make them to protect themselves, by disenfranchising and disempowering us. We need to demand that they,

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[ Gen1: Hive ]


I think it is the problem of every country, which is universal. How can we prevent it? As the first education starts in the family, I think a good couple who is not showing violence against each other and their children might be a good example during the children's growing up period.


As they say, charity starts at home. Similarly, community starts at home too. If we want to build a better world in the future, it has to come through developing as healthy families.


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i believe that the violence of some men and women is correlated with alcohol with drugs with being abandoned children with being children who grew up without fathers and many of them in their childhood suffered abuse and i am not justifying it, but it is better to look for the why of things instead of blaming all men and making laws that benefit only one gender years ago I was part of the feminist movement and when I started all good it was for our rights until eventually I realized that the discourse was always men are bad and sow the word or thoughts to abort and not have children and always the marches instead of being peaceful ended up being violent for me these groups are just pawns of something darker that tries to divide the family.


And this is part of the problem for sure, where even from a young age, men were made to feel inferior, rather than equal. It is impossible to bring equality, by only supporting 50% of the population.


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One thing makes me sad and that’s because there are some parents who fight a lot and do it in presence of their kids. That’s so unreasonable and uncalled for. If I child see any of his or her parents gets beaten by the other, it has a way of affecting the child and have effects on the child when he or she grows up


Arguing in front of kids is fine, but it depends on how we argue. If kids never see healthy disagreement in the home, they aren't going to learn how to disagree when they are older. Hiding it away doesn't help them.


Dear @tarazkp !

I saw a news story in Australia where a man stabbed several people to death.
As a mentally ill person, he seemed isolated from the social community.
I thought maybe he committed such a crime because he was isolated from society!


Isolated maybe, but that is also part of the societal illness we have created.


Yeah man, crazy times... scary times really. Sad.... I don't know who or what to blame, people should take responsibility and the people committing these crimes are the lowest... government never have the people in their interest and many of us clearly see this today, I really hope a big change is coming. I feel like something big is coming


Violence, whether public or domestic, is a deep-seated problem in our society that will not go away quickly. It is important to analyze the causes of these events and recognize that violence is only a symptom of deeper problems. Competition, individualism and lack of empathy can fuel violence, and it is the responsibility of each of us to be part of converting and building healthy communities, addressing the problem from a multifaceted perspective, including education, awareness and support for people who may be at risk of falling into violence. We all have a role to play in creating a safe environment for everyone. Violence will never be the answer to absolutely anything and it is crucial that we work to create a better world for everyone... we can all contribute even a grain of sand.


Authority and responsibility go hand in hand. If you want to hold me responsible for something, you need to prove I'm in charge of it.
There are millions of harmless men quietly playing video games and being ignored by women.
Women are free to date them, but most don't want to. They want the dangerous ones, and sometimes that goes poorly. Obviously they have my sympathy, but it's like a mudslide in Bangladesh. A sad, fairly predictable outcome of choices I had no part in.


It seems some of them were caused by mental problems. If there's a silver lining, it's that they were just stabbings. Compared to the US where there are mass shootings and more people injured and killed, stabbing sounds a lot less scarier.


It is up to us to build healthy communities that look to empower people to be their best.

Wouldn't it be nice if we had public servants fighting this fight with us instead of against us?! It is crazy to think of the human spirit and how some people persevere to do this in the face of a government that provides all-too-easy distractions for the alternative.
