On the Walls
Our home looks like a mental asylum.
It isn't because of the padded walls and the amount of medicine we have stored, but rather, because we don't have any pictures on the wall. It has been years, and it pains me. I have grown up with paintings by my father littering the home with beauty, but I don't have any of them here with me in Finland. I have been meaning to do something about that, but have always found other things to do.
Until today.
What I have done is tracked a few pictures down through the tens of thousands of images I have taken and then edited the images, which has taken me a while, as I haven't used Lightroom on the desktop for a long time and it seems it needs a lot more RAM now than I have.
It kept crashing.
These are the ones I have edited, from our honeymoon in Italy and also from our first family holiday together in Croatia last year. I am not getting all of them printed, but I have selected a couple that I will print at 80x120 cm onto canvas, and then a couple more smaller ones that we can put in the kitchen.

While I printed the gondola and the yellow shopfront from those above in smaller sizes, these two below are what will adorn the living room wall. However, I am not sure which it will be. My wife wants the cable car and the sunset, but I quite like the wave crashing on the rocks.
What do you think?
Oh, and the entry picture is of our dog that passed a few years ago, but I am not getting that one printed at all for now. Though, I would like to have a nice memory photo of it at some point.
Having some art on the wall is important for me, but it has to be something personal. It has to be handmade, unique - but since I can't paint well enough, my photography is going to have to do for now. I would like to get something from a local artist too, but that will have to wait a bit.
How about you, do you have art on the wall and if so, what kind?
Paintings, photos, posters?
[ Gen1: Hive ]
Same and I really, really need to change that. I think initially it was because we didn't have any but I have a few now and many more I could print but it's so incredibly low down on the exponentially increasing list of things to do (all of which are of critical importance and had to be completed before they got added to the list) so we never got around to it.
It's a stark contrast to the house I grew up in where the walls are covered in family photos and a couple of pieces of artwork (mostly gifted and some crochet pieces my mum made).
If you have the pieces there, just put aside the time and do it! At least for me, having a bit of something meaningful on the walls seems to make the atmosphere that much better.
I don't have the time to put aside x_x
I will probably not do something else to be able to do that at some stage I hope XD
We just recently started to get some of our dog now that she passed. I've been thinking about turning some of my photos into canvas prints.
I have a really nice picture of my wife walking our dog through a forest with the sunset behind - but she doesn't want it on the wall :(
It sounds like an amazing shot.
We’ve got a mixture of prints and photos. Assembled haphardly perhaps, but my wife has a good eye for design so it works.
haphazard is okay in my opinion. When there is too much structure, it loses something - makes it too sterile perhaps. Art kind of should be lived.
I like the sunset, just like Nah. The hung art is mostly some musical instruments like Quenas, an old violin and its bow. Pictures of the family framed in reed and a few doll masks…
Can you play the Quenas?
No, my friend @tarazkp. That specific instrument was a gift I got when I was visiting Chile.
Is this Blurt quality in action?
We have a lot of family photos scattered around the house. I am surprised that the photos you are choosing don't have any of you in it. I know that you took it and that it reminds you of the experiences you've had, but it is weird to me that they are just places, and there is no personalized feel to it. If you told me that you just copied these images online, I would believe it. They look really good, but they look like stock photos used in magazines or advertisements. But that's just me of course. If both of you like them, I think you should use them.
I would have had some of them with us in it, but my wife doesn't want it. These will be quite big though. We have a couple of scattered photos of us in the bedrooms though.
I agree! Though, because they are places we connect with as we were there at the time, it is not too bad for us. :)
Yep. Again, this is what I didn't want... wife.
Haha, I see. When in doubt, go with what the wife wants.
I like the cable and sunset, it suits a living room but I love the water splashing on the rock, it's personal, like someone who loves nature.
I like the wave, as it has an abstract feel to it, like it will take a moment to work out what it is.
It’s the first picture for me. It goes well
There are so many things we don’t do in my house but would love to start doing them. Like hanging some frames or portraits on the wall
We have a few paintings on the walls. I don't even remember when we got them- they been here for as long as I can remember. I also have hung some puzzles on the walls:
I haven't hung any of my own paintings on the walls yet. But I might do that if I will have no success selling them.
You should always hang some of your own, to get a sense of what others will get out of them also. Perhaps it also changes the way you create?
Perhaps you right. I have no intention of selling some pieces so I should probably just hang them on the wall.
Those are some nice photos and will look good no doubt.
We have different art and pictures and decor on our walls. It is almost too much as our last house was bigger. We just didn't have the same wall space here, so it is almost too much on the walls here now I think. But she likes it and that is what matters to me.
When it comes to art on the walls, I think it actually better to have a bit too much, than a bit too little. Wall art gives depth to a room and without it, it seems somewhat empty and unlived in.
I agree. I have been in houses with little to nothing on the walls. It is so dead and echoes of an empty soulless shell.
Nice pictures. I wish I should have that kind of simple photos. 😌
Take some! :)
Yeah, maybe soon. 🥰
All of the portraits at fine but I think the last one goes well with me
It’s really nice
Funny, I like the dog one the best.
We have quite a few, both prints and original art and my own photos or other people's. Some old botanical drawings from books and so on.
On this trip to UK I bought a beautiful original black and white photo print of Glastonbury Tor in the winter that I can't wait to hang, a lino cut illustration of Exmoor motifs, and some cool mushroom prints from a Kew Gardens book. Perhaps when we are finally back in the house I'll do a post about it.
Hhh my mom is still buying medicine and storing it, like the pharmacy is gonna vanish the next day! She also printed photographs of us and has them on the walls. Also, of my grandmother who passed away. I personally dont have any because I live in a rented flat and dont want to buy a lot of things that I have to carry later. But I love paintings or photographs of nature, sunset and beautiful animals in the forest. Will have them when I am stable and living in my own place.
Very nice pics mate! I love the idea of printing pics on canvas and having them hanging at both of my parents' homes.
We have a bunch of eclectic art all round our BK apartment It is colorful, vibrant, and several pieces from my different family members and friends. In fact, the only piece on the wall that I paid for was from a silent charity auction at Planned Parenthood and features a lady in a hijab touching herself.
In the bathroom, I have a hand-painted picture of two Asian women tanning on a beach that my grandmother's best friend painted in her old age. Another is a geometric map of the complicated New York City subway system, with the lines of the trains made up of the words of their subways stations! My favorite is a reclaimed mirror that my partner painted the frame of with a variety of pastel rainbow colors.
It is actually a marvel with all the art pieces one can find just on the sides of the city streets during the last few days of the summer months. People moving about without the means to take all their belongings so stuff always gets left behind. We have the opposite problem as you, no wall space left to hang anything!
The cable car.
Lots of stuff to sort through and print here as well. Perhaps tomorrow I test some of the photos in A4 format first.