The crystal blue sky in Beijing!
This is one of the best view of Beijing sky with crystal blue without any clouds and dust.
Being very famous for air pollution and sand storms in winter Beijing sky is not so clear most of the time.
Also the frequent glighta and industries are making air more polluted with the exhaust gases and particles from the burning fossil fuels.
So it is a great day when you find such amazing pure day to explore some places with natural resources.
This photo wass also taken from a park nearby and it was a gteat day.
Thanks for you attention!
Have a nice day!
Dear @tanzil2024 !
I remember that the city of Dhaka in Bangladesh is famous for its air pollution!
Do you think the air in Beijing is clearer than Dhaka?😃
According to recent reports from recent years, Dhaka has the most polluted air in the world which is terrible I visited last year and I felt discomfort in the city. I plan to go back this February for another 2 weeks in Bangladesh to enjoy the winter there.
The amount of dust increased in winter for having no rain during the winter season there.
Dear my friend Hassan!
I hope you have a great holiday in Bangladesh!
I'm curious about your family and friends!
I'm especially curious about your friend Shaheen, who looks like the Rajah of Bangladesh!😃
I guessed that you like your friend Shaheen the most!😄