Saying good bye to winter


Usually winter lasts till the late March where I am living in the northern region of Beijing, around 70 km north-east side of the Beijing Municipal. And winter is much severe with the northern cold wind from the far north, the Russian Siberian region. And now it is almost the end of the March and winter has already passed and currently it is spring season.

It is around two months after the Chinese new year, and the Spring featival starts on 12th February this year. And the centralized heating system has stopped working since 15 march as usual according to the municipal regulations. But the temperature still remains in sub 10 degree range during night time and around 15 degree during day time.

But the extreme wind sometimes make the temperature down to 5/6 degree during day time even which is really like the winter experience. The strong northern wind with freezing cold is not comfortable at all.

I have taken the 1 st ohoto at this late night that is showing great dreamy view with the foggy whitish surrounding. And the 2nd photo is taken while t was raining, just afte the rain, my Institute looks beautiful with a unique view.


Usually, raining is not so common during this periods of time, but for this week, the weather has chabged a lot. A few days earlier, I forgot to wear any down jacket-type heavy cloths, but for laat two daya, temperature dropped significantly from the 20 degrees level to 10 degreea level.

And the main reason for such weather changes these days is due to the cloudy sky without the warming rays. Also the air is polluted havily from the desert wind all over this area. Moreover, the dry air make the surrounding more uncomfortable that irritate our comfort zone.

But, this is the time to say goodbye the winter for the time being! And when I see the weather forecast, next sunday the temperature will grow to 22 degree celcius whic is a great jump.

I am happy yo enjoy the coming warm days when I can increase my outdoor activities.

Thanks for your time and attention for reading my blog. Catch you at the next.

Wish you a great day!


It is around two months after the Chinese new year, and the Spring featival starts on 12th February this year. And the centralized heating system has stopped working since 15 march as usual according to the municipal regulations. But the temperature still remains in sub 10 degree range during night time and around 15 degree during day time.

Dear @tanzil2024 !
Does this mean that the heating in the dormitory at the research institute where you currently live has stopped?😦

The world I currently live in is also cold at night, and the nights in Beijing are probably even colder.😯
I remember that spring in Beijing brings extreme air pollution due to sandstorms blowing in from the desert.

The sandstorm blowing from Beijing crosses the sea and reaches the world where I live.

I wonder which has worse air pollution: Bangladesh or Beijing!

I hope you protect your health from Beijing's harsh temperature changes and air pollution!

I look forward to your wonderful new journey in China!😃

I wonder what life will be like for Hassan, who comes from a tropical world, in China!


Yeah, the heating system operates from November 15 to March 15 in Beijing Municipal. Currently I use AC to make my room warm🤣! But I don't like AC, feels uncomfortable!
Beijing's air is much clear and less polluted than in Dhaka City of Bangladesh. And my living area Huairou is 70 km north from the Beijing city center so air is much more clean.

Currently, the temperature is 7° C where I live. I am very careful about my health, I also suggest you to take care of your health.

Thanks for reading my blog.
