Trade-offs Between Present And Future


Picture the present as a dot that will later expand into a line signifying the future. This line wouldn't be straight but curved and it can stem from any direction out of the dot.

In this scenario, the dot(present) contains a line(potential future) that's unshaped and unrealized.

The future is largely based on the actions we take in the present. Interestingly, this can manifest in ways that seem fundamentally different from each other, as in pair of opposites, turning hot(present) into cold(future) or hate into love, for example.

Weighing Our Choices

When it comes to trade-offs, one could say actions are weighed on a scale of immediate impact versus potential influence.

Some actions have a ripple effect that can shape the course of our future, while others deliver a more direct and noticeable outcome in the present.

Logically, we ought to be always mindful of the former and ponder a bit more on the latter before engaging in them. But alas, this is not how we tend to operate.

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There's this near illusionary perception that the future is less tangible or real than the present. The present moment holds a certain concreteness - we can see it, touch it, and experience it directly.

This isn't necessarily the case with regards to the future, which feels abstract and distant. Such perception makes it easier to prioritize immediate gratification over long-term consequences.

We can easily get swayed by the allure of a tempting choice in the present, overlooking the potential ramifications it might have on our future selves.

Making Future-Oriented Decisions

Let's consider two scenarios: indulging in a decadent dessert today (present gratification) versus opting for a healthier choice (future-oriented decision).

In the short term, the dessert brings pleasure. But, this seemingly inconsequential choice, repeated over time, can snowball into health issues, impacting our future well-being and potentially leading to huge medical expenses.

Similarly, prioritizing spending on immediate wants over saving for retirement might seem understandable in the present.

That said, when this decision is repeated continuously will over time significantly impact our future financial security and well-being.

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Another interesting observation is that one can't sit on the fence in such situations. With every decision, we either choose the present or the future, knowingly or unknowingly.

I personally do not think that completely sacrificing present enjoyment for a distant future is the answer either.

While I might gravitate more towards future-oriented choices, I believe there's room to indulge in the present moderately, as long as we keep our long-term objectives in mind.

Some might say the key is perhaps to find a balance between the two and make conscious decisions that allow us to enjoy the moment without jeopardizing our future well-being.

In practice, this balance can be quite hard to achieve, akin to putting a fire beside a water and expecting the water not to heat up.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.

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